
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I received two awards!! Woohoo!!

From Touched by Pagan Culture!  The Beautiful Blogger award and The Sunshine Award!  How cool is that?

And the stipulations are pretty easy as Magaly kind of altered them.  LOL!  Must share one lucky fact and three things that brighten up your day!  You are supposed to also pass this onto 13 bloggers!  I will alter this again and say that you, my blogland friends, brighten my day.  Therefore, you all deserve these awards and please post them on your blogs.  Please????  Last time I offered you all an award, I don't think any of you took me up on it.  Sniff!!  You really do deserve them!

One lucky fact:   Having my hubby (Dr. John) around gives me such luck!!  Just knowing him makes me a lucky woman.  He rocks my world!!

Three things that brighten my day:

1.  Reading comments and blogs from all my friends in Blogland!

2.  Seeing sunshine and blue skies brightens my days for sure!

3.  Losing weight has brightened my days and my life!!  Just have to keep losing now!

Thank you all for reading my blog and for brightening my days!

Thanks my dear Magaly!!  I love you sweetie!

May you all have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you


  1. Congrats on your well deserved award, SueAnn!

  2. I LIKE it! I feel the same way about all my Wicked Darlings.

    I love your lucky fact, your hubby sounds like a magical person. Tell him that his my hero of the day!

    Congrats on your awards and happy St. Patrick's Day!

  3. congrats on your well deserved awards! hope you have a wonderful st. pats!

  4. Congrats on the awards...woot, woot!

  5. Good girl yourself on the awards. I too love losing weight and the sunshine (not doing too well with either of them though!)

    Loved the pics of your gawjus gals, good gene pool obviously.

    Much love from your auntie xxxx

  6. Sorry, but I don't post the award things although I am very flattered when mentioned. Congrats to you!

  7. Hi SueAnn,

    You are such a delight to read. I really enjoyed this post and congratus on the awards. Visiting you has brightened my day as do your visits to me.

    Thank you my dear. Keep on being your gorgeous, beautiful self.

    ~Kitty Kellie

  8. Congrats on your well deserved award, SueAnn! : )

    La Donna

  9. So well said. You are a delightful person. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  10. Congrats and the three things... YES :) Love them too. On my way to visit Pagan Culture

  11. Congrats to you! :-) Keep up the good work!

  12. Congrats again, you deserve it;o)!!

  13. Sweet rewards for being such a sweet Lady, Sue Ann !

    Not into posting awards much on my blog either. I appreciate the extra loving but I feel like coments back and forth are enough, really.

    Enjoy your springy Thursday !
    Hugs !

  14. Fantastic! Congratulations on your award! Keep up the good work.

  15. Congratulations SueAnn!! You deserve them sweetie!!

  16. Yay! Congratulations, good on you!

  17. congratulations, you totally deserve this, and getting something from Magaly is such an honor! She is a joy!
    Love to you on this sunny Sunday!


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