
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Yes it is that time again folks....RTT!!  WooHoo!!  And would you believe I am still battling that damn migraine!  I cut out all dairy and even my diet Mountain Dew and it still is with me!  I am calling the chiropractor today and see if it is just a matter of an adjustment!  I will let you know.

I said I wouldn't do it...but I have no choice.  It snowed again!!!  We ended up with 10 inches!!  Boy I am really hating this stuff now.  I mean, doesn't it have anything better to do.  We have mountains...let it snow there...and only there!  Skiers would be happy.  I would be happy.  But has to snow here too!!  Plow man showed up around 10AM so that we could get out of our driveway.  Oh joy!

Ain't it purdy??  Yuck!

We are leaving on Thursday to travel to Illinois.  Springfield to be exact.  Dr. John's mom is celebrating her 90th birthday!!  And we are going to help her!  His two brothers are joining us.  It will be fun!  90!  Wow!  I can't even imagine and she is still sharp as a tack.  She lives by herself and does a good job taking care of her home and the yard.  I can only hope!

Had that jewelry class last week and we used No. 8 and No. 11 seed beads!  After five hours, my eyes were buggy!!  We were working on a bracelet.  I only managed to get four inches done.  Here is a pic.

Went out last Saturday night to the Olive Garden.  Met with my DIL and two of my granddaughters; Emma and Cassie.  We had a great time.  Food was terrific; even though I only managed to get two bites down.  This is normal for gastric bypass!!  Sometimes the food just won't go down.  Sigh!  And I paid for this!!  LOL!!  Anyway...sat there and told stories and laughed.  Had my camera with me and didn't take one picture!  How dumb is that?  Here are pics of the two girls!

I know!  They are beautiful and I am totally prejudice!  Love my girls!!  Their mom is a beauty too but she doesn't like her picture to be taken.  'Tis a shame too; because she is gorgeous!

I will be getting my nails and feet done today!!  Yeah!!!  Gotta love it!  Meeting my friend Cheri and we will be pampered for today.  After nails we go to lunch!  Then back home to work on my fiber piece.  I was hoping to get it done before we left but it doesn't look promising.   Sorry Bob!!

I think that is enough randomness for today!  You all behave now!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


  1. so sorry to hear about the snow, luckily this time of year it doesn't usually stick around too long. Your granddaughters are indeed beautiful, but you already knew that! A pampering day and lunch with a friend sounds just heavenly, have a great time!

  2. even though you might be sick of it, you have to admit those photos are beautiful, especially the first!

    your granddaughters are beautiful!

    have a fun and safe trip up north!

  3. beautiful girls...snow again!?! i so hope we are done...has rained for a couple days..i want my 70 degrees back from last monday...

  4. Your unstable weather is probably at least partly responsible for your migraine.. and a tiny beading project probably doesn't help.

    Your granddaughters are indeed beauties.

  5. Weird that New Mexico has snow and we in the NorthEast get spring weather early ! It is going up to 58 today and the sun arrived which feels sooo good.
    Love the bracelet but I know I would never have the patience to work so small ! Such beautiful details !
    Enjoy the pampering !

  6. Your bracelet is coming along beautifully! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  7. They really are gorgeous!!

    And it seems like it might finally be spring here!

  8. A really really good day for me begins with a mani pedi and lunch. Good for YOU for pampering yourself a little. Bob will understand. And the fiber piece will not suffer. In fact, it will be even better because fresh pretty hands will have been working on it.

    Have fun in Illinois. Happy Birthday to Dr John's mom, and good job on the bead work. Woman, you have more energy and go, go, go than I've ever had in my entire life. You knock me out, sistah.

  9. Oh... How discouraging that the snow just keeps coming. I shall putting a curse on it.

  10. Sorry to hear about the migraine. MY WIFE suffers from those. She has found great relief from Sumatriptan (Imitrex) and, if you haven't tried that yet, you may wish to ask your doctor about a prescription.

  11. Wow...look at that snow! Have fun on your trip and enjoy your time with family. I have migraines too...I get those aura's...ugh!

  12. I had no idea it was still snowing places. That bothers me. I'm driving from SC to NY (AGAIN - I do it ever 2 months) and now I'm worried about snow.

  13. Gorgeous girls, SueAnn. :) I don't blame you for being sick of the snow...I think I'm ready for Spring too!

  14. But the snow looks so white, bright and pretty. I guess I can appreciate it because it's 60 degrees here. But things will get better ;-)

    And to show you it's true, I've nominated you for the very exclusive You Are A Beautiful Blogger Because You Have Sunshine Award Combo. See? Things are brighter already.

    Enjoy the trip to the nail salon!

  15. The bracelet is beautiful. Good for you. I have things in the back of my mind to try to begin some day. Reading this post inspires me.


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