
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Nineteen

Traveling New Mexico can leave one breathless!  The landscape....always awe-inspiring!

This time we are traveling through Jemez Springs and it is a beautiful and bright sunny day!

The above are examples of adobe walls...well, what is left after the ravages to time.  Sun, wind, sand...all have made their mark upon these traditional structures.

The springs at Jemez!

Girls just want to have fun!!!

Have a magical and blessed weekend!  I am off to see Cirque de Soleil!!
Hugging you


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! We drove cross country 6 years ago, and New Mexico was on our route, but were unable to stop because of time. I'm so disappointed that we didn't have the time after seeing these.

  2. oh love the cliffs and rock structures...very pretty...hope you have a marelous weekend!

  3. Simply breath-taking! I'd love to visit New Mexico and lots of other places n the Southwestern part of this great country! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for the Cranberries song as I was reading.

  4. What a lovely trip : )

    I hope you have fun at Cirque de Soleil!

  5. I agree with you; New Mexico is a beautiful state. Similar to AZ but NM has its own beauty and style. So glad to see these photos. I want to hear about Cirque de Soleil when you write your next post. I have watched DVDs of it but never in person.

  6. Did you paint that last one? Beautiful!

  7. Have a fabulous time!!! These photos are spectacular and will keep me company while you are away!!! Love them...could just sit and soak up that electric, clear sky blue!! And that's just for starters ;-) Have a great weekend!! Love you, Janine XO

  8. The landscape there is so intense! So red and blue.

  9. Popped over from Tabor's - gorgeous photos!

  10. I love what you did with these. This looks like a wonderful place.

  11. Great captures of the place, loved your experiments on the shots too. :)

  12. Wonderful shots. Whenever I see photos of New Mexico or Arizona, I'm always struck by how blue the sky is... unless of course the photographer is having fun with Photoshop. ;) Great shots.. fun playtime.

  13. Lovely pictures! You make we want to travel there!


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