
Friday, June 11, 2010

WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Nine

Made some additions and alterations to canvas number one...the fiber sculpture.  Can you pick them out?

Canvas number two has been built and will be started before Monday!  More pictures to follow!

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and your wonderfully encouraging comments!  I so appreciate them.  I love the comments and enjoy so much your visits to my "place"!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. love that crinkly line of fabric that runs through the middle...breaks it up nicely...very cool!

  2. I just have to ask... how do you choose the fabrics? All beforehand or as you go?

    So now you'll have two gigantic pieces going simultaneously? I'd need a drum of Xanax just to think about it.

    Go SueAnn, go!

  3. You have way more energy than I do these days. The color scheme is enchanting. Is the squiggle metal or wood, like vine?

  4. It's looking good. For some reason I thought these would be vertical but the orientation is horizontal? I mean the long dimension is horizontal, I knew the fabric et al would be horizontal.

  5. Fascinating process! Thanks for taking us along!

  6. Beautiful composition of the shots. Wonderful project.

  7. Oh SueAnn! Marvelous!! With each new picture my anticipation grows and my curiousity peaks! I am so excited about this project, the color, texture, and linear blending is perfect. I too love the ruffled piece in the middle, it tickles me! Beautiful SueAnn. I hope that we can see this magnicent fabric sculpture in its entirety. I just cannot wait!!!!
    Hugs friend, Sharon

  8. This is just beautiful!!!! Saw some art the other day and thought of you... actually I thought "I bet SueAnne could do that!"

    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  9. Okay, I know I have been MIA...but OMG...Woman...This is freaking awesome! Oh Boy, I can't wait to see this piece completed. Have a wonderful and creative weekend...I know you will! LOL
    Cheers my friend!

  10. Loving it! It's almost painful to not see them in 3D!!!

    I'm imagining this one hanging in my perfect, imaginary house, that will hopefully, one day, become a reality!

    I can really appreciate the neatness in the crafting. I've tried wrapping fabric around part of my own sculpture, not an easy task, at least not for me!!!

  11. How wonderful that you are passing on your talents to your granddaughter. Keep up the great work!

  12. It's looking sooooo great!!! Can't wait for you to complete is so close now!! This is so spectacular! Have a wonderful weekend!! Love, Janine XO

  13. It's quite fascinating to watch this art evolve. I've never seen anything like it before. You have such a creative talent

  14. Beautiful!! I love the pictures of your granddaughter helping too! It's really interesting seeing your artwork develop!


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