
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Random Tuesday....And all that stuff!!

Yes it is!!  Random that is!  And I am terribly late but I have a very good excuse!  Today was girls' day out time.  You know!  Manicures and pedicures and lunch and shopping and talking about others.  So important to a women's mental health don't cha know!!??!!

Going to have a house full this coming Saturday and Sunday!  My son and his wife and all five grandkids are going to be here as well as two extra friends!!  I have no idea where I am going to fit them all.  Especially since I usually put a bed out in my studio...which is now filled with that fiber sculpture!  Oh dear!  Somewhere in the house, I need to set up two inflatable queen size beds!!  And a cot! 

Went to the Albuquerque Museum of Art on Sunday.  They had a fabulous show.  The Impressionists!!  Cezanne, Renoir...etc..etc.  They even had three Corots!  That is really unusual!

Above is Cezanne, Monet, Renoir and Turner!!  All the work was fabulous and were pieces I have never seen.  After the show, we went to St. Clair's Winery for lunch.  We love that place!  Great lunch...great art show...wonderful company!!

Did I tell you all that on my birthday I got my nose pierced??  Well I did and it hurt!!  But I have a little tiny diamond in it and it is so cool.  I have wanted to do this for ten years. it now!!  Also went shopping and got some silver stars and silver hearts to wear there as well.  So cool!!

News flash...I have lost 147 lbs. now!!!  80 more to go!  Whew!!  I have lost a person now!  And I have also increased my walking to three miles a day.  Added another big hill!  That has me huffing and puffing let me tell you!   But asthma be damned...I am doing it!!

My husband still hasn't gotten his raise or promotion yet!  Grrrrrrrr!  And he so deserves it!  I wish I could give you all an 800 number so we could call and put in the word for Dr. John!!!!   I guess there is some paper work they are waiting on him to fill out.  So they say!!  I still say...Grrrrrrrr!!!!

Well that is my random for today.  Make sure and visit The UnMom for other randomness.  She has an evil plan she is hatching over there.  You all should be concerned!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


  1. Girls' day outs are the best! And congrats on shedding that other person.

  2. sounds like you have been having fun. bet that exhibit was really cool...went to NY once to do the art tour...nose pierced? how cool is that and great job on the weight loss!

    hope hubs gets his due!

  3. Beautiful art. Monet is my absolute favourite!

    Hope you have a great time with all your family squashed in together! (families are good at squashing I find!).

    And congratulations on your fantastic weight loss!! Keep on with those hills - you are amazing!

  4. Oh, to be near those works of art! Gorgeous.

  5. That is two of my favourite paintings (#s 2 & 3) and one by my favouritest painter (#1). Wow.

    And congratulations on the weight loss.

  6. The paintings are beautiful. Wish I was talented as that and gosh, you did something I have always wanted to do, to get the nose pierced. I'm too old now but it was a dream I had growing up! Congrats on the weight loss!

  7. sounds like fun going on at your house :) have a great time with the family and congrats on your weight must feel wonderful.

  8. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!! 147 lbs! WOW! You are an inspiration for sticking to it and going after your goal. Give yourself a hug from me for all of your hard work.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for Dr. John and the raise.

    The art work is gorgeous too but I had to comment on you first. ;) Hope your shopping adventure was wonderful. I love getting pedicures, so relaxing.

    Wishing you a beautiful and creative day!


  9. Having all those family members visit sounds like a great problem to have! Congrats on the nose piercing and the weight loss!! So cool!

  10. Wow, Sue Ann you've got a whole lot of news. Look at you, being all artsy fartsy with the impressionists.

    And 147 pounds is astounding - you are an amazing woman. Keep it up!

    And hope you have a "grand" weekend with the kids!

  11. Look at you!!! 147 pounds is AWESOME!!!!! So proud of ya'!!!

    I love the art you shared! I can't help but love Monet & Renoir. (I had a chance to see the original Waterlilies in NYC a few years ago and WOW! was all I could muster. It was breathtaking!)

    And that winery you've mentioned.. sounds delicious and delightful!!

  12. I actually LOVE those little diamond nose earrings. Noserings. LOL whatever they are called. I think they are beautiful. How cool!

  13. oooooo...your girls' day out sounds wonderful!!

  14. I don't know much about girls day out, but I do know I love those paintings you posted.
    Nose pierced huh? You crazy lady you. And, wow, 147 lbs down, good for you, I'm sure you look great. Keep on walking.

  15. The exhibit sounds like fun. I love impressionist paintings...such movement in them.
    Congrats on the weight loss. My husbands has been wanting me to do an extreme exercise video with him but the last time I did it I couldn't walk for 3 days. uggg!

  16. First I must say you go girl! feeling and being healthy is not easy and I give you a standing HURRAY for working on it! Albuquerque Museum of Art sounds like a blast would have love to see that show, Renoir is one of my all time favourite painter.



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