
Sunday, July 11, 2010

WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Thirteen

The past few days, I have been working on fitting the fabric over the tubes.  Not terribly exciting but tedious all the same.  So I thought I would share some pics of the fittings.  They still need to be stuffed and the fabric stiffened.

See!  Not terribly exciting but necessary to the piece.  I will be adding more fabric and stuffing and then I will use a fabric stiffener to make it feel solid.  And I still have to add texture to the tubes pieces before I stiffen.  So I will keep you posted!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you

Ps. I am finally off of jury duty!! Yay!!


  1. So creative! I love what you are doing and the way you are explaining it in detail. :)

  2. SueAnn, it just keeps getting more and more beautiful, glad your jury duty is over, now you can just enjoy yourself. take care.

  3. its all the details and textures you think of that just make this amazing...

  4. This seems like an incredible amount of work! Can't wait to see the end result.

  5. You are an artist at heart ever dreaming of the next thing :)

  6. I think it is rather exciting to be allowed to see the creative process, SueAnn! You know, artwork has so much of life of its own partially through the process. We're watching you bring something to full life, that's pretty exciting, I think.

    Thanks so much for including us.

  7. Just getting caught up. This is a fascinating project and you are documenting it so well, I feel like I'm right there with you, excited, patient, and sticking pins in my fingertips!

  8. I bow to you. I wouldn't have a clue how to attempt such a feat. I can't even see to get a needle threaded anymore.

  9. You are so the cala lilys...glad you like the cards...Enjoy...


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