
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Twenty five

This is one of the sunrise pictures I promised!  Awesome day too!

Touched by the sun!

Pumpkin love!!!

This is the pumpkin plant I am madly in love with!  The leaves are humongous!!  No pumpkins yet...but when they come...I will be beside myself with happiness!  More pumpkin love...

Remember back in June when I talked (bragged) about my Topsy Turvy Tomato planter.  Well one is still pretty stunted by the cool nights we have been having.  But one is doing pretty well and I thought I would show you!  She even has a couple of tomatoes on her!!  woohoo!!

Tomato Love!!


The sun kisses the skies!

Enjoy this fabulous summer day and get up early and catch the sunrise!!  Don't forget to enter into my giveaway!!  Information HERE!  Drawing will be on August 4th!! 

Have a magical and blessed weekend!
Hugging you


  1. oh i really like that last one....and the textures you put on the yellow flower....enjoy that tomato love and hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Your sunset sky is lovely!! Good luck with your tomatoes. Mine did not do well either this summer, in our case it's probably the excessive heat!

  3. I should have paid more attention to your topsy turvy tomato planter. My tomatoes are almost dead. Only one plant keeps trying. It looked like the runt of the litter to start with and it is the only one still alive. It is growing too. So maybe we will get tomatoes. Your pictures are great. I will be interested to see pics of the pumpkins in October.

  4. Great shots, SueAnn. I especially like that last one.. and your topsy-turvy toms look like fun. I'm looking forward to seeing those pumpkins grow.

  5. Those skies are truly wonderfully captured!
    Happy Sunday Sue Ann!

  6. I hope your tomatoes and pumpkins are downright delicious!

  7. Hi Sueann, love the pics! Beautiful sunrise. I need to do that! Hugs, Riki

  8. Oh SueAnn, what a glorious New Mexico sunrise!! Just Outstanding! I can't wait to see your pumpkins!

  9. Great pictures!! Love those sky shots!

  10. You too with the cool nights? I keep waiting for summer to arrive but I'm losing hope. LOVE those NM sunrise and sunsets.

  11. May your pumpkins grow to enormous and tasty sizes, and may your tomatoes multiply profusely! I'm just starting on my second batch of upside-down tomatoes - first were a success, but the pot was a tad small, so the crop was pretty limited! Hopefully I'll get more this time!

  12. Back again, my friend. I enjoy your blog so much. I am blessed to have found an Internet connection in this marvelous place that is off the grid. So good to be connected to all that is good.

  13. I KNEW I should have gotten one of those tomato plants :-)
    Beautiful pics!

  14. I would like to invite you to visit my blog. I would love to get your thoughts on some of my recent posts.

    God Bless!

  15. love them all. so wonderful.
    "touched by the sun" warmed my heart.

  16. I need to get a sunrise pic.
    This has been the strangest summer as I am usually up , but not so much this year.

    you've inspired.


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