
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Random Tuesday....On your mark.....!

Get set......GO!   It is that time again and I am feeling random this morning for sure.  It is 4AM!  Do you know where my coffee is? 

Had to throw this in!  Another gorgeous sunrise in New Mexico...

I know!  You can all come and visit.  We will have a Blogfest!!!!  Doesn't that sound like a blast!?  Actually, it kind of does!  I will provide the yard!

As you know, I walk 4 miles or more every day...EARLY (6AM)!  Besides my friend, Cheri, I have one constant visitor on these walks.  Here he is..

Some kind of beetle that is always crossing the roads I walk on.  I call him the Butt Beetle!  When you get near them...they stick their butts' up in the air and spray some sort of chemical at you.  Good thing they are so small.  They get up to about one inch and a half.  If they were the size of a dog...OMG!  Just saying...!!!

Working on re-financing our home.  Just got our appraisal back and it was a shock.  It was $21,000.00 lower than six years ago!!!  Yep!  The economy is sure recovering!  Ha!!  This sucks, big time!  This kind of messes up our loan as to what monies we can get out.  Damn!! (sorry)  But it sucks!!

Dr. John still hasn't gotten his promotion....I'm just saying!!!

When my grandson visits, he always brings along his Penguins!  They are characters from the online community of Penguin Island (for kids).  Anyway, he loves to set up still life's and take pictures as well as make movies.  Here is his companions enjoying lunch.....

Well it is random!!

My granddaughter, Cassie...

Is moving into her dorm on August 17th!  Unbelievable!  It was only yesterday she was playing dress-up in my living room!  Now, all grown up and starting a life of her own.  She is so excited and we will be helping her move in.  By help, I mean take them out to dinner when they are done.  Ha!!  We are the grandparents after all!

I had to break down and order a couple pair of jeans and some tops!!!  Woohoo!!  I couldn't take my jeans in anymore.  They were starting to look funny.  Anywho!  I started out with a 6X in clothing.  Now I am in a size 20!!  Soon I will be in the teens and then, hopefully, the single digits.  It is so nice to see size LARGE on my tags instead of 6X!!  Yes folks, I was HUGE!!

My granddaughter, Emma..

Goofing off here!  She is getting a root canal done on the 12th!  Poor baby!  She has a tooth in front that actually folds over...IN HALF!!  Anyway, it has finally gone bad and a root canal first...don't know why!  They should just pull it and give her an implant.  Doesn't make sense to me.  Unless you consider that it is double the money for the dentist!  Ahhhh!  Now it makes sense!  Seriously....!

I have been hearing a lot of people complaining about the weather.  "It is too hot!"  Hmmm!  Let us not forget last winter...which lasted here until June 1st!!!

Snow and ice all winter long!  Cold, cold temperatures.  I just couldn't get warm!!  Well, I remember and I am loving the heat.  Sheesh!  It is August already...soon winter will be blowing in and we start freezing all over again.  Bah Hum Bug!!!

Made Tilapia last night with a butter cream sauce and baby sweet peas.  It looked and smelled so good.  I went to start eating and I couldn't get the second bite down.  It, the peas, got stuck and I waited...and waited...and no avail.  Would not budge!  This is one of the perks of gastric bypass!!  You have a small pouch and stomach opening and sometimes food will get stuck...well that is what it feels like.  And your only recourse is to get rid of it.  I won't go into details  (ewwwwwwwwwwwww) but you get the drift.  Dr. John said the fish was excellent!  Sucker!!!  I had orange sherbet later!  It was tasty too!

Have you seen the Viagra ads?  I mean...seriously!!!  What is up with that?  A couple gets all starry-eyed and the scene morfs into some kind of dreamy garden setting!  Ha!  Then at the end, they are both sitting in white porcelain footed tubs in the middle of nowhere???  WTH??

Please remember to go visit Keely at The Un Mom!!  She always has excellent Randomness and others do as well!  She is the Queen of Random!!

That is it for have a magical and blessed day!  Remember the drawing for the Diane Duda original painting is on August 4th!!  Go and leave your name and comment HERE!!  Time is a wasting...get over there and do it!!

Hugging you


  1. Yay! For the clothing size drop. That is fantastic. You'll be in the single digits in no time. Cute granddaughters. I have yet to convince my children to produce any young'uns. It's depressing.

  2. You are doing such a good job with your weight loss. Your daily walk is great for your body as well as your spirit. Isn't that a nice feeling to be able to say you couldn't take your jeans in any more. Wow. Good for you.

  3. so when is the blog fest? smiles. beautiful the penguins younger was carrying around a stuffed animal cat this weekend...they sure grow up fast dont they...i hope you have a great day...

  4. I see those viagra commercials and I hear the Beatles singing...'why don't we do it in the road'...

  5. I love your photos! Great that you are walking 4 miles!! That's awesome. I also like to walk at 6am or earlier if I can manage. I live in S. Florida and anything after the sun comes up is too hot.

    Here for Random Tuesday!

  6. clown beetles! I love clown beetles!

    there are none in pueblo, but when we visit the sand dunes we ALWAYS disturb a clown beetle just to watch it stick its butt at us.

  7. Great shot of the beetle with its shadow.
    Have another great week ahead.

  8. The accessed value of our home has fallen 30% in the past 3-4 years. Let's hope what falls will rise again. Kids in our family love Club Penguin, too. And Wizards 101 and now some Pirates of the Caribbean game. Kids keep you young. CONGRATS on your size drop. Eating healthy and exercising is a lifestyle change that is all good.

  9. Love these random posts.
    Your bug looks pretty scarey to me and I see bugs all the time! Though I love showing bugs on my blog but my readers get creeped out.
    on the other hand...
    your granddaughters are beautiful!!!!

  10. I love these posts. You and your family make me smile out loud. Love it.

  11. Your grandaughters are seriously gorgeous.

    And man, that is truly a bummer about the house.

  12. Bummer about your loan. Happy that you're walking every day. Hate to continue complaining :) but it IS too hot. 104 yesterday. Can't do a thing but sit. My daughter has the same problem with the food thing. I can always tell when it won't go down just from the look on her face. You poor girls.

  13. Now that's a cool bug.. and gorgeous kidlets.. and an amazing weight accomplishment. Go, SueAnn!

  14. Tell Emma to insist on getting the tooth pulled out. Honestly, root treatment is such a waste of time and money in most cases... In a year or two, the tooth will have to be pulled anyway.

    (My sister had a tooth growing from the middle of the roof of her mouth. Some dental surgery experience that was.)

  15. thanks for coming by to read my blog and leave a comment.

    I remember those beetles from my year in NM. I called the Hoovers because they reminded me of the vacuum cleaner!

  16. Just wanted to say thanks so much for dropping by my blog yesterday and letting me know Hilary mentioned me in POTW.

    Then, I read your wonderful randomn post and I can only say...

    Good on you for all that weight loss;

    I know that stinky bug, intimately;

    You have gorgeous grandkids;

    and... I'll be back!


  17. oh yeah, blogfest. i love the sound of that.
    : )

  18. You have pretty granddaughters. Congrats on the weight loss. I'm not a fan of the heat, but it sure beats the cold. Have a great day!

  19. Love the way you captured that shadow. thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

  20. Hey Sue Ann, Congrats on the smaller jeans!!!!

    We're holding our breath on an appraisal too. I dread to hear what they'll come back with.

    Cheers, jj

  21. You have done so well with your weightloss, you should be so proud, you inspire me SueANN you really do, as for the viagra ads, I must have missed them, but I am going to look for a tub. lol. take care.


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