
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Random Tuesday....Wild and wooley!!!

Right now I am on an airplane...heading to Ohio to see my mom!!  So back to your regularly scheduled posting which is totally random for sure!!

The huge Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta is going on right now and it is always fabulous.  If you are ever planning on visiting...the first two weeks in October is the best time.  I couldn't get there this year because I am in that plane...remember??  Ha!  So Dr. John took the pics for me near the balloon field.

So no excuses now...come on down and visit!!  I would love to take you here and would love to meet you for sure!!

Went to Gallup for my youngest granddaughters' birthday (she is 15 now) and we all went out to dinner.  Here are some pics of the family getting ready to chow down.  Note:  None of them wanted their pictures taken.  Sigh!!

The birthday girl, Georgia

On the way home, there was a huge thunderstorm all around us as we drove.  So I took some pics.  The skies were awesome.  And there was even a double rainbow!!  So cool!  Just had to share!

Aren't those skies something else??  The skies out here are endlessly fascinating and always so beautiful!

Before we went home, we stopped by my Daughter-in-laws school where she teaches first grade and visited her classroom.  She was so proud of all the work she had done on it.  And the pics of her kids were so adorable.  Here are the pics from that visit!!

My granddaughter, Cassie

My daughter-in-law, Ginger

Her kids!!

My son, Lee Sr.

Cassie, bored and waiting!!  Ha!

As promised!  To celebrate my two years and two months of blogging, I am having a giveaway!  A print from Marsha Jorgenson of TumbleFish Studios!  You are going to love this one!!  And all you have to do is leave a comment on this post and I will draw a name on October 19th!  Gives me time to get back home and get unpacked!!  Ha!  So spread the word.  This will be fun!!  Here is the print!!

So make sure and sign up to win this fabulous print!!  Well this is all my randomness I can muster....make sure and visit Keely at The UnMom and see what is going on there.  She has a new button to use but I keep forgetting to copy it.  Ha!  Sorry Keely!!

Next time you hear from me, I will be coming live from Ohio!!  I will be taking lots of pics so you can enjoy this trip with me!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


  1. nice that is a cool what do i have to do anything?

    nice balloon pics...would love to ride in one someday...and great snap of the rainbow...

  2. A long time ago I went to a balloon festival with my father. It was so inspiring. Next I have to ride in a balloon. Great photos.

  3. incredible photos.

    have a wonderful visit with your mom SueAnn.

    you have a beautiful family. I so wanted to be a teacher when I was little...

  4. Do I comment on your balloons, or your beautiful family, or your rainbow (yeah, a rainbow). Or about how lovely that print is?

    Consider all said, and have a great time in Ohio.

  5. Love the balloon shots and the bored granddaughter is priceless. Have a great trip, SueAnn!

  6. What a great trip! I've heard such awesome things about the hot air balloon festival.

  7. Hot air balloons! Wow. When my daughter lived in Del Mar in California, we watched so many hot air balloons come over their house. I think it would be awesome to see the huge festival in your area sometime.
    Enjoy your visit with your mom.

  8. Those hot air balloon shots are stunners
    I want to fly in them some day.
    Great family shots. :)

  9. Those hot air balloons are amazing! I would so love to see this and even more. How wonderful that you are getting to go visit your mom! I hope you have safe travels going and returning home and most of all I hope you have a wonderful time with her.

    Great family photo's and happy birthday to your granddaughter. You must be so proud of your daughter in law that is a teacher. I am so appreciative of people like her because I know how hard they work and what a difference they can make in children's lives. Very cool.

    Very neat picture...what do I need to do to enter the contest?

    Bless you on your travels sweet lady. XX

  10. I love those balloon scenes. We get them over our way too during the Bristol Balloon festival.
    Great photos as always.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  11. First have a great trip!

    Secondly I love baloon festivals. We have one close to here every year & I try to go whenever I can. If I ever make it down your way I will totally let you know.

    And I can't even tell you how much I want to win that print. That is so me!

    If I don't win I might just have to see if I can buy one.

    Hugs & Love,

  12. Dr John took great photos of the balloon festival. The first year I moved here there was one, but it was cancelled the following year and I've been longing to see another ever since. So maybe, one year...

    Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

    p.s. love the sentiment on that print

  13. Amazing photos of the balloons!!!

    Happy Birthday, Miss Georgia!

    Thanks for sharing your DIL's classroom!

    Enjoy your visit with your Mom!

    Love the print!

  14. Yes, I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful visit with your mom!

    Love the balloon pics and the invite! :-)

    Esp. love seeing the pics of your son and his family!!! So awesome that you shared them with us! :-)

    Blessings & Hugs,

  15. Someday I'll get to the Balloon Fiesta-- It looks fabulous with all the great colors and shapes against the blue sky. Ahhhh.

    Happy 15th birthday to Georgia. She's beautiful!

    Cheers, jj

  16. I would love to go on a balloon ride (with you). The picture where the sky is yellow/gold is just stunningly beautiful. You sure have an eye for those wonderful sky's.


  17. P.S I love seeing classrooms pictures say thanks to your daughter-in-law for sharing.


  18. Sue Ann...It figures I'd find you via Janine's blog!! A fellow doll artist....with a mom living in Ohio....61....etc. We have lots in common!! I'll stop by often~


  19. Simply crazy about the balloons!!!! What fantastic photos!!! And your daughter-in-laws classroom is terrific!!! She must be an amazing teacher... Have a wonderful trip!!! Will miss you!!! Love, Janine XO

  20. Have a wonderful time!
    Loads of love!


  21. I would love to go to that balloon festival one day. I adore hot air balloons. May I repost a couple of your photos please ? With credit given to you, of course! Am doing a post about Nice Things today and this would fit in perfectly!

  22. I love hot air balloons and rainbows also. Loved these photos, made me feel very positive which is always good!

  23. all those air balloons just stole my heart !!!

  24. Some amazing shots there, my friend. That balloon festival must have been really something. Beautiful family shots, too.

  25. I love those hot air balloon shots!!


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