
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Thirty-Four!!!

Sunrise September 2010

These were taken on my walk on September 27th!!  I hope you enjoyed the images!!

Have a magical and blessed weekend!!
I am off to see the grandkids!!  Woot!

Hugging you


  1. wow....there is magic in those skies...and it...happy saturday Sue Ann

  2. You are capturing some lovely mornings...evenings? Have fun with the little ones.

  3. what an amazing way to start my day! thank you for sharing those pictures!!

  4. Beautiful images, SueAnn. I used to walk with an iPod but I think I missed out on much of what was around me. Now I walk with a camera but I'm missing out on the health benefits of a quicker pace. You're managing both somehow.. great for you.. and for us to see your lovely photos.

  5. Wow...your pictures are inspirational, thank you so much for sharing!

    Finding Fabulous

  6. I can always count on you when I want to see a sunrise. Have fun with the grands.

  7. So pretty! Hope you enjoy your time with the grandkids!

  8. I love the range of colors the sun brings into your world. Thanks for sharing it.

  9. Ohmygosh!!! Just look at those fantastic photos!! Amazing work, hun!! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  10. Looks like the mornings we had in the foothills on the outskirts of Denver. Miss those skies!

    Have a great weekend.

  11. I love your morning walks! I love that you share your sights with us. :) I hope you had fun with your grandkids...I am sure they had fun seeing you too. Happy Sunday dear sweet woman! XX

  12. Sometimes I like wordless posts with great pictures the best.

  13. it makes me feel small.. the way I should feel. beautiful

  14. My goodness, those are lovely. It's practically enough to make me burst into a rendition of "Morning Has Broken". It's okay if you're deeply glad I'm not wired for sound right now :-)

    SueAnn, that's got to be a wonderful way to start the day. I hope you had a wonderful, wonderful time with the grandkids. Thank you for sharing the pretty sunrise!

  15. LOVE the images! Thanks for stopping by. I have photos of the weekend I'll be posting, we had too much fun! Hugs, Riki

  16. Your baby dolls make me broody,lol!
    I don't know whether to celebrate my age or not. Yeah! Go celebrate as in its limitations gives freedom!
    Lovely to hear from you, I've been on such a distance travel somewhere. Been a great one.
    Loved looking at the country side photos you took. Must of been such a spectacular moment. The feeling of the moment eminates. I feel like you glowed.
    Here's to a brilliant week!
    Loads of love!


  17. so so beautiful ... for some reason the yellow one just got to me today. Miracles in the sky everyday for those of us who take the time to see them.
    Have a great time with the kiddos. Hugs to you, SueAnn!


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