
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ to the music!!!

Yes!  We are dancing around here.....38 years!!  You heard right....Dr. John and I have been married for 38 years!  Woot!!  Woot!!   (breaking into some moves)   We went out to eat at Red Lobster...yum!  Coconut shrimp and a salad  and can you say drool!!!  Delish!!

We were married on July 27, 1974 in Columbus, Ohio.  Pastor Bob Graetz presiding.  Bob marched with Martin Luther King on many occasions.  A wonderful man and friend.  We were surrounded with friends and family...with a small reception in the church.

This week have been working on another outdoor sign for Cheri's Studio.  It was peeling quite a bit and the image was fading away.  So I sealed it and re-worked it.  We will hang it back on her fence this week and I sure hope she likes it.

Kind of done in folk painting style.  That is the design that was already on the I just freshened up the colors and altered the right side with flowers.  The original shirt was too large! it is.

Went to see the surgeon this past week...still healing...sigh!!  Also, pain near the wound started!  So he put me on antibiotics.  This has turned into a longer ordeal that I thought!!  Oh well...I am feeling good and that is all that counts.

Dentist appointment today...time to clean the ole toofers.  Can I say that I hate to go to the dentist.  Pain of some sort is usually involved so I never look forward to going.  Our dentist is good and really sweet...but he is still a DENTIST!!  Ha!!

Dr. John has some of his US Mint Proof Sets up got auction right now on EBay!!  Some are silver proof sets.


This is an example...just in case you are curious or interested.

Kind of a slow week this past week...still recovering from grandparents camp!!  Ha!!  They had a blast though and so did we!!

Still no is so dry and dusty around here.  Remember last year I planted 70 trees?  Well, they are dying left and right.  Sniff!  We water as best we can...but nothing beats a rain.  So prayers or rain dances are much appreciated.

Today is also craft day with Cheri...have a lot of creating to do!!  Art show in November!!  And this is almost August!!  Oh my!  Summer is passing us by!  Waaaaaaaa!!!!!    Seems I have missed the whole summer thingy!!  Well, I am going to enjoy what is left...that is for sure.

Summer re-do!  Going to be working on our hot tub patio.  Needs some sprucing up for sure.  So that is the plan for this weekend.  Will take pics along the way!

My oldest granddaughter, Lisa, is coming for a visit for the weekend.  Going to do some sightseeing and shopping and eating...sounds wonderful, doesn't it??  You are welcome to join us!!

 Isn't she gorgeous...we are going to have a blast.  Her sister is bringing her so I get to see the second oldest as well...Cassie!!  Woot!!

 We had some interesting visitors this weekend on our patio...

Aren't they something?  The variations in color and texture are amazing!!

Not much else to share this week.  I will take pics of our sight seeing, etc. with Lisa.  Oh!  And the patio.  So until next week...

Make sure you stop by Stacy's and Stacy Uncorked and see the other Randomizers and what they are up too!  Always interesting!!

Have a magical and blessed week!
Hugging you



  1. have fun sight seeing! and congrats on the now those kind of years are a true testament....nice job on the sign touch up as well....

  2. Congratulations. We're coming up on 36 years in August. Sorry to hear the healing is going slow. Things take so much longer to heal the older we get.

  3. That's awesome, SueAnn! Congrats to you and John! It's a beautiful thing when love lasts and lasts. And yes, Lisa is gorgeous. She has the look of of a classic beauty with those round eyes and heart shaped lips :).

  4. Oh lovely. Happy Anniversary to the two of you. Enjoy! I know you will. :)

  5. congratulations on your 38th anniversary. You must have married Dr. John when you were 12 years old - you look so young!

  6. Glad you are feeling better...sorry about the dentist...congratulations on your anniversary...sounds like fun to have the grands visit...our grands don't get to visit even though they live across the street...oh well, I visit them...

  7. 38 Years! Excellent! May you have many many more together!

    I like moths and butterflies, too.

    (I think those are moths, right? MY WIFE doesn't like them as much as I do. She says they eat her clothes. They don't eat MY clothes. That either says something about my clothes or hers, but I'm not sure which.)

  8. Happy anniversary! Have a great time with the fam! God bless.

  9. She has the look of of a classic beauty with those round eyes and heart shaped lips.
    Hip Hop Workshops


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