
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Work in Progress ~ August 2012

in the garden

Work in Progress for July and August...2012.  First piece I forgot to take pics along the way...

As you can see, I am mixing patterns and colors.  I also used Bingo Markers and bronze bird cages!!  Now there's a mix for you!  Ha!!

The second piece is almost finished...

I had just received the floral paper and I loved fifties!!  I really mixed patterns on this one...I also got funky by adding clothespins holding pennies!  I found these little black clothespins and I just had to use them in a piece.

These two paintings/collages are fun and quirky.  I love it.

Will show more next Thursday!!  Thanks for stopping by...

Have a creative and imaginative day!!
Hugging you



  1. Love the glimpse into the garden, the freedom of the first picture, and the quirkiness of the last. The pins and pennies are totally awesome ;-)

  2. nice...liking the new one...and i like the inclusion of the ruler...your pieces always have so much for me to take the swirl in the top right on the first one...

  3. That is the best use of Bingo markers ever! I'd like a skirt for Jane from that 50s like flower paper!

  4. so many fun elements in your collages.

  5. Fun paper with a modern 50's flair. LOve your new header too SueAnn.

    Have a good weekend


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