
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Abstract Wednesday ~ Holder of Dreams!

Abstract Wednesday is a Meme offered by Nature Footsteps Blog and is a way to express ourselves every week.  We take our photos and abstract them....take them beyond realism and push the limits.

This week I took one of my collage paintings and pushed  it beyond what it was.  This is a piece I had entitled "Holder of Dreams" and originally looked like this....

And here is where I took it...

Also have this photo which was taken at a class I had attended in Tucson, AZ.  Group photo here....

Then I altered it...

This is a fun meme and you all should join in...stop by Nature Footsteps and see the other answers to this challenge and enter one of your own!

Have a creative and imaginative day!
Hugging you

Also showing at Lori K Art!!



  1. I love what you did ! And I think our entries go very well together:))

  2. I like your alterations! :)
    The second shot is too good.

  3. ha. i like the alterations to the group pic...makes it look like a really old faded picture.....

    i rather like your collage as looks a bit like a landscape...

  4. I love how you "alter" your photos!!! It's just super cool!

  5. Really nice and creative editing.

  6. Beautiful photos. Love the edits. Hope you'd join us too at Orange You Glad It's Friday.

  7. Wow! I love the original piece and the processed version.


I would love to hear from you!!!