
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Random Tuesday ~ Glued, Wired and Screwed!


 Last Saturday the large collage was re-installed at RMJ...Bob's office in Albuquerque without any problem whatsoever! It was awesome!

I had wonderful helpers!  My son, Lee Sr., my grandson, Lee Jr., Dr. John and Butch!  And we all worked well together!  No one person tried to be a star!

The difficulty was the shear size of the piece, 15 feet by 8 feet!  And I was in three pieces!  It hangs on the wall, which is 16 feet tall!

I worked on the lower section here at the was placed in my dining room so that I could replace the them, wire them down, and cover wire screws with decorative rondells...flat beads!

 We all meet at the office building around 9 AM and took the repaired lower section inside and stored in the hallway while we got the other pieces down and I could repair them.  All went smoothly!  Lee Sr and Jr helped me glue the beads down and attach the wire over each one.  Then we screwed them down, in effect trapping the beads behind the decorative wire.  Then we let it set for a awhile so glue could set up.

Breakfast burritos all around and lots of entertaining conversation!  Then back to work.

We glued the decorative flat rondells down over the screw heads and let that set up.  Then we all discussed how we were going to hang this puppy on the wall.  Original hooks were in the wall ,well placed and solid.

Everyone decided that Lee Sr would work in the middle and Butch and Dr. John would lift the sides up the wall.  Then Lee Sr climbed under the piece and grabbed the hanging wire and, by really stretching, hang over the hooks.  Wa La!!  It worked liked we planned!  And Lee Jr. spotted the did I.  Whew!

We got the rest of the piece onto the wall and we finally....had completed the task!  High fives all around!!  We cleaned up and put all the conference chairs back.  We went to the middle office and lowered the little collage, four by six feet!!  It's beads had been popping off as well.  I decided to bring it back to my studio and work on it here.  Task accomplished!

Here are some pics...

The second piece now sits in my dining room...I worked on it all day yesterday and it is finished.  Dr. John is going to be my delivery agent and take it and hang it today!  Thank you Dr. John!  Oh shoot...loaded it up and he drove away and I forgot to take pics!!  Sheesh!!

Went out to Pappeaudeux's Friday nite for Dr. John's belated birthday celebration with Cheri,
Butch, Cathy and Mike.  Great time and wonderful food.  I got the mixed seafood grill.  Yum!  And a martini of course.  Unfortunately I kept falling asleep during dinner....sigh!  This happens to me and there is nothing I can do,  It's like someone has thrown a switch and I go out.  Cheri kept laughing about it as I struggled to keep my eyes open!!  Oh well....had fun before that happened.

Going back to oral surgeon today to see what new things he wants to try to alleviate the gum pain I have been having!  Oh joy!!

Today is house cleaning day since I pretty much had my studio in my dining room!!  Ha!!  And also, have been working on Income Tax...yuck!  Got that done, thankfully!!  But I have to pay!!!  Yikes!

That's it for me...pretty much tied up with redoing the art work this past week.  Make sure and stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked and see all the exciting Randomizing going on there!!

Have a magical and blessed week!
Hugging you,


  1. mmm...seafood....sounds good...and i still have a bit to lunch...smiles...breakfast burritos sound good too....several years ago had some of the most amazing ones in texas....glad the reinstallation went well for you...

  2. I'm so glad the repair and reinstall went well.

  3. Lovely piece! Dr John is very lucky.
    I've been putting the Income Tax thing off because we will probably have to pay also. I've been saving up for it but that doesn't help with the pain of writing that check.

  4. That really is an impressive piece, SueAnn! So glad you got it the repair all done and reinstalled, bet you're relieved to have that done! :)

    Happy (belated) Birthday to Dr. John! Glad you guys were able to go out and celebrate with friends! :)

    Spring Snow, Easter Egg Teaser, Tulip Destructo Kitty and Purple Day: RTT Rebel

  5. Impressive for sure, Sue Ann! Love to work on such big pieces too... even if it's quite a while that I don't do one..
    Thanks for being so lovely and kind- I DO appreciate your blogging friendship!


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