I love doing the Mind Wide Open Challenges! They do stretch your creative wings and it is just plain fun. The picture Gail gave us to start with is this....

And the piece I made from this picture is this....

I used an old clock and fastened the picture (which I made into a transfer) to the clock face; which I had covered in handmade paper. Surround the clock with ghost leaves, a dried flower and beads. I added a little steam-punk with gears and a wonderful brass bee. An adorable butterfly (cloisonne) and a brass key. Then there is the adorable canary inside and he seems perfectly content now!!
The key phrase was "Paris in Spring".
This was her first trip to Paris and she was totally captivated by the sights and sounds of the city. She felt like a canary in a cage as she surveyed her surroundings and sighed. It is all so beautiful!! And then she saw him. Standing under the Eiffel Tower. He was so amazing to look at and then she noticed he was smiling at her. This is how they met and they have been together since. Oh! How wonderful she felt inside. So free and content! He made her feel special and protected. Sarah knew she would never leave Paris as this is where she belonged. In this city and by his side. Forever!!
Thanks for visiting and make sure and visit
Mind Wide Open and vote!!!!!! All the artist's works will be fabulous and you will enjoy the show!! Thanks!! Oh, and if you vote for me...all the better!! LOL
Hugs and Love
Have a magical and creative weekend!!