My wonderful husband and I recently celebrated our 35th anniversary!! We partied all month long!! He presented me with the most beautiful double bouquet of flowers I think I have ever seen! I wanted to share some of the pics he took of them!

Are they just amazing?!! You all have been so kind to me and so supportive. I just had to share these with you. See! You were part of our celebration!

I have recently been working on my studio. You see; it flooded about six weeks ago and it has been a real mess! Nothing of value was damaged! Thank the Lord! But we had to put everything up on tables and such. So they wouldn't get wet. What a pain!!
So I have been unable to do any real work.
It is finally back together and re-organized! And I love it even more. I will share pics of my work space next time. As well as some jewelry that I have been creating!
Until then; have a wonderful and magical day!
Hugs to all