
Friday, October 22, 2010

Show...Tell and Chat!!!

Had to share this spectacular sunrise!  Wow!  Looked like the horizon was on fire.  And it was cold...cold...cold.  Froze my you-know-what off taking these shots. was worth it!

Doll/craft show last night.  First one of the season!  It was hosted by Nancy at her home up here in the East Mountains.  Beautiful home and she had it decked out for Halloween.  So cool!  Creepy crawlies everywhere and great sound effects.

Several artisans where there.  A lotion lady, jewelry, soaps, tasty treats, glass, Scentsy and my dolls.  Fun time.  Lots of good food too!!  She hosts this every year and it is called a Sip and Shop!  Plenty of wine and beer too!  I had one and one-half glasses of wine and got tipsy.  Ha!  Had to sit for awhile and recoup!

Cheri's Gems

sweet smelling soaps

Margaret's Potions

Nancy's Fused glass creations

The atmosphere was fantastic and good fellowship was had by all!  But it rained and no one came. Well, a few showed up but mostly we ate and chatted amongst ourselves.  No early Christmas shoppers wanted to brave the weather.  Up here in the mountains, roads can get a little tricky during the!  Bunch of woosies!!  But we had a fun time and Dr. John got some of his favorite.  Green chili stew and he loved it.  As well as the cookies and brownies and Blue Moon Beer!  He had no complaints!  Ha!

More sunrise photos!!

Thanks for visiting!!  I really do appreciate your taking time to stop by and leave comments.  It truly makes my day.  Dr. John enjoys it as well!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

wow those sunrise pics are crazy....the mountain looks like a volcano...

bet that was a lot of fun to go to to see everyones creations.

Kristina P. said... 2

Those sunrise pics are amazing.

Kim Mailhot said... 3

Too bad you had no customers but what a fun gathering of talented peeps !
May the beauty of that sunset follow you all through the day !
Happy Friday, Sue Ann !

Sarah Knight said... 4

Looks like a fun time!
Your sunset / sunrise photos are stunning!

ethelmaepotter! said... 5

Your babies had to have been the hit of the show - too bad nobody was brave enough to get out and see them - at least WE get to enjoy them!

Where do you get the outfits for your dolls? I'm almost positive I've bought and given away that little blue/teddy bear suit on the boy baby.

By the way, your photos of fall are stunning! I've never seen such vivid color before!

Hilary said... 6

Your dolls are amazing. The one with the hooded sleeper looks incredibly real.

Love your sunset shots. Your page is always filled with wonder.

Tabor said... 7

Your dolls do look so real. I am afraid that I would not like a doll so life-like in my house. But I am sure you do have customers that can appreciate this excellent work that you put into them. Nice sun go take some Vitamin C so that you don't catch cold.

Bossy Betty said... 8

I would have been in trouble with that fused glass jewelry! Thanks for taking us along on this field trip!

CiCi said... 9

The photo does look like a fire. I have never seen a sunrise like this. Wow.

Debbie said... 10

I cannot get over those sunrise photos. You should have one enlarged and hang it.

ellen abbott said... 11

Sorry for the bad weather but fun with friends is good enough.

WhisperWood Cottage said... 12

Wow! The charcoal mixed with the orange-red is an amazing contrast. Stunning photo, SueAnn!

Unknown said... 13

Yeah, the sky is burning must be gorgeous in real life. Sorry to hear your sale did not go well, how ever glad you had some fun.


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 14

awe-inspiring sunrise!!

Carole said... 15

Too bad about the rain. We have no risky roads like you have there and ppl won't come out in the rain either. Crazy!
Your skies are incredible. We had purple skies tonight but I was too lazy to take pictures so I'm enjoying yours!

Anonymous said... 16

Stunning sunrise shots!! Fire in the Sky!

Love your choice of music....I love Enya!

SandyCarlson said... 17

These are amazing. The fire reflected in those skies is just mighty!

Betsy Brock said... 18

What gorgeous skies and mountains you have in NM! Just lovely! Looks like your crafty friends are a lot of fun, too!

Cindy said... 19

Most beautiful sunrise ever. Sounds like you had a good time. sorry nobody came...your babies are so lifelike...oh my swoon as Christina would say. take care and have a good weekend. hugs.