
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Random Tuesday....I survived!!!

I survived!!!  I am well and so thankful for all your prayers and well wishes!!

Surgery took about 6 hours and he carved away 7 pounds!!  Woot!!  Right now I am trussed up like a turkey!!  Ha!!  And definitely in some pain.  But all doable!!  

Hope you all are well and I hope to be back on schedule next week!!  Now don't forget and do that Random Shuffle!!  Go and visit Stacey, at Stacey Uncorked and see what she and the other randomizers are up too!!  Also, go and say hi to Keely of The UnMom!!  She is on hiatus and we missed her terribly!!

Behave and see you next Tuesday with some interesting items I am sure!!

Have a blessed and magical day!!
Hugging you



A Woman Of No Importance said... 1

SueAnn, so pleased that you are well and recovering from your op!

I just love your Hallowe'en decorations, so artful and spooky!

Missing you, sending hugs, take good care of yourself post-op.

Fhina xxx

Diandra said... 2

So glad you are back and obviously well! Hope it stays this way. ^^

Brian Miller said... 3

yay! so excited for you! obviously i knew it would all go well but...smiles.

Anonymous said... 4

Glad you are doing well- recover quickly. Thoughts & prayers are with you :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 5

So glad you survived. Hope all goes well

Slamdunk said... 6

Great news SueAnn. I hope your recovery goes well.

Magaly Guerrero said... 7

Sooooooooooooo happy you are okay, dear one! Sorry about the turkey state and the bit of pain, but hey just think about the upcoming results and smile.

I can't wait to see some pics!

pinkglitterfae said... 8

SueAnn I'm so happy to hear all went well!
now take it easy for a bit...
I enjoyed looking through your blog at your Halloween decor, that Betty boop doll is fabulous!

ellen abbott said... 9

So glad the surgery went well.

Judy said... 10

Glad things went as planned...hope you are soon up and feeling better...

Hilary said... 11

So glad to hear it, SueAnn. Hugs to you.

Celia said... 12

So glad your surgery is over, may you have a swift and thorough recovery! Many blessings to you.

Anonymous said... 13

Yay for recovering. Hope all is well.

Tabor said... 14

Doing the get well shuffle as I write.

Suldog said... 15

Seven pounds? Don't tell MY WIFE. She'll want surgery tomorrow.

Glad to hear you came through nicely. Take care and rest up!

Maggie May said... 16

Wishing you a very speedy recovery.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

VioletSky said... 17

Yay! I have been thinking of you (and miss seeing your early morning comments, too!)

Take everything slow and easy, but still wishing you a speedy recovery.

Unspoken said... 18

I am glad you are okay and I hope the pain passes quickly! That's is a lot of weight gone :)!

Cindy said... 19

SueAnn so glad the surgery went well for you. just keep feeling better and better. sending big hugs your way.

Joanna Jenkins said... 20

That is outstanding news SueAnn, I'm so glad you're past surgery and on the mend. By the time you read this, I hope the pain is gone and you are feeling better.
xo jj

SandyCarlson said... 21

Hope the recovery goes well!

Queenie Jeannie said... 22

FABULOUS!!! So happy things turned out so well! Take it easy and get healed up! Hugs!!!

imbeingheldhostage said... 23

I didn't know!! I hope you are recovering quickly and will be up and posting again soon. Belated hugs SueAnn!!

Friko said... 24

Whatever it was, I'm glad it went well and you are doing fine. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

The Creative Beast said... 25

So glad to hear your surgery went well! GOODNESS!!! 6 hours is quite a long time to be under the knife but you came out on the other side and will heal in due time =-)

Maybe the music I posted about will help with the healing process?! =-)

Keep resting so you can be with us all soon SueAnn!

Midlife Roadtripper said... 26

I'm sorry for the surgery. Obviously I'm behind. Hope you are doing very well now.

Unknown said... 27

SueAnn..... I know I've said this a million times, but your spirit is infectious!!!!

thank you for just that.

keep on getting better .