
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Random Tuesday....Boringly recovering still and craft/doll show

Something pretty this way comes...

Beautiful fall colors and these are so tiny.  About one inch!!!!!  So gorgeous...just had to share!!

Yep...fall/winter is here and I can't say I am thrilled!  Just saying!!!  I mean one day it is 70 degrees and the very next day it is snowing!  Then the next day, high winds and pouring rain/sleet!!  Sheesh!!!  The saying is spring comes in like a lion.  So now it is fall comes in like Godzilla!!!!

I just wanted to announce that Breaking Dawn is coming to theaters in a few days and I am so excited!!  I get to see Edward and Bella finally get married.  Of course, it won't be as easy as it sounds!!!  Thrilling to say the least.  A movies full of werewolves and vampires...oh my!!!!  Woot!!

Speaking of weird weather...Saturday was the Craft/art show where I was setting up my tables with reborn babies and some crafts.  We left about 6:45 AM and arrived at 7AM and it was windy and cold but no rain in sight.  But they forecasted snow!!  Dr. John and I unloaded the car and got everything inside.  As I was setting up; sheets of rain and sleet hit!!  It was awful and amazing all at the same time.  I felt so sorry for those who arrived around 8AM to set up!  They all came in like drowned rats!!  I was dry and done with my booth!  Woot!

I ended up selling three babies!  Woot!  And with the weather staying so awful until around 3 PM, I was thrilled and shocked.  Because there weren't many customers at the show!  Go figure!!!!????

Setting up next to me was my BFF, Cheri and she did well too!  She had hats and jewelry.  The hats were very popular!!

I purchased some beautiful fall mums for my rock garden!  Planted them and was going to take some pics.  Oh!  I should correct that...Dr. John planted them.  I sat and watched!!  Ha!  Anyway...the temperature dropped to 18 degrees over night and killed them!  Sniff!!!  No mums!!  No pics!!  Damn weather!!!  Grrrrrrrr!!!

Mother nature is definitely messing with us...seriously!!

Recovery is still ongoing!  This is taking longer than I expected!  At least most of the pain has diminished!  So that is good!  No more pain pills!!!!!  The swelling is going down and the incisions are healing nicely...slowly...but nicely!  This has been tough...but oh so worth it!!  Pictures coming soon!

This Saturday,  will be my annual doll show!  So let us hope that my winning ways continue.  I have a question though...???  Should I pray for rain and sleet??  Ha!!

Well, this is Random Tuesday and lots of Randomizing is occurring throughout the blog world!!  You should go and discover this for yourself.  Make sure and pop by Stacy at Stacy Uncorked and see what is going on!!  And then go and visit Keely at The UnMom and tell her that the Zombies now have their own show so she should just give up, and deal with it.  Come back girl...we miss you!!


Have a magical and blessed day


Brian Miller said... 1

sorry the weather got in the way of a great show but not bad on 3 babies eh? hope the one this weekend goes well...and great to hear your recovery continues going well...

Anonymous said... 2

Our weather has been like that too; not THAT cold but 30s one morning then 70s the next. Crazy!

Cathy Kennedy said... 3

How cool, you're into baby dolls! These look life-like, don't they? I've sort of wanted to collect them, but with no place to store them this notion has fallen by the wayside until another time. =D Sorry to hear about your mums. The weather is doing some crazy things. I think we may be in for a wicked winter. =(

Kim Mailhot said... 4

I hope the weather goes your way, Sue-Ann !
Happy Tuesday and good luck at the show.

Stacy Uncorked said... 5

I'll be glad when the weather (and temps) level out. It's been crazy here, too - freezing cold at night, then getting up to 68+ during the day. Have to dress warm in the morning for the bus, then dress cool for the afternoon bus! :)

LOVE the autumn shots - absolutely beautiful!

Congrats on the 3-baby sale, especially with the freaky weather and the lack of customers. Good luck this weekend for the doll show! :)

I am Harriet said... 6

Those fall colors are amazing!

Have a great Tuesday!

Suldog said... 7

SueAnn - Do you know what plant that is? Just a fern of some sort? I'm a city boy, of course, and have no clue. Pretty, though.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said... 8

How pretty. We never see Fall colors here. The leaves go from green on the trees to dead on the ground. Good luck with the dolls. Hope the weather cooperates.

ellen abbott said... 9

Mother earth is definitely going through some mood swings!

Sending wishes for a good show.

ellen abbott said... 10
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ellen abbott said... 14
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ellen abbott said... 15

stupid Blogger.

Unspoken said... 16

SueAnn! Baby Selling??? ;)

Katie said... 17

I don't understand the weather anymore. Those picks are so gorgous. I love fall colors. So glad your feeling better! have a great week dear!

Cindy said... 18

I love the bumble bee baby and the one sitting on a pink knit (or crochet) baby blanket...I will get one some day! The weather here in Texas has been swinging wildly, but that is Texas!

Thanks always for visiting my blog!

Blessings(and blessings on your upcoming doll show!)

Mimi said... 19

Way to go on your show. I hope the sales continue.

Fall has been curiously mild here so far in Michigan, it makes me worry that we are going to get slammed, lol!

Hugs & love,

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 20

Poor baby dolls, hopefully they will dry out...nice hats. Pretty fall colors too

Maggie May said... 21

Love those leafy photos and I'm so pleased you sold the dolls. Makes it all worthwhile.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

SandyCarlson said... 22

It looks like so much fun. The dolls are gorgeous. You amazing me, my friend.

Friko said... 23

Amazing pictures.

Your dolls are spectacular.

Whatever you pray for weatherwise, the weather gods will go their own sweet (or not so sweet) way.

Riki Schumacher said... 24

Congrats on such a great show!!! That is so cool. Weather is turning here in CA now, beautiful leaves. Getting ready for Thanksgiving, have a fabulous one SueAnn. Hugs, Riki