
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ Shopping, Martinis and Lots of Olives!


Yep!  Martinis with the girls!  Now that is the way to end a long shopping day!  And of course extra olives!  Here's the girls...Cheri of Cheri's Hair Studio and Jodi of Elite Electrolysis!!

That was a Black Raspberry Cosmos...I had two and then took the photo of the girls!  Ha!  So blurry I couldn't use it!!  Sigh!  But the one of Cheri turned out!  Jodi brought us pressies!  A handpainted wine glass...a huge wine glass.  Thanks Jodi!!

I shopped all day, yesterday!  But finally finished up with some miscellaneous gifts.  Fun!  And no crowds.  I had to stop by the perfume counter and check out my favorite scents...better hurry Dr. John...some are getting low in stock on the shelves!!   Sigh!!

Talked to my DIL, Ginger Sunday and they are coming on the 21st to stay with us and shop till you drop!  Then we will all drive back to Gallup on the 23rd and spend Christmas there.  Let us hope the weather holds!!  One never knows at this time of year.  Yikes!  Anyway, I am busy with my slow cooker recipes to find dishes for those two days.  I found a breakfast casserole cool!  I will let you know how it turns out.  Cooks all night on low!!  Also found one for a pineapple glazed that is a yum for sure!!

Got my buffet it is...simple yet effective!!

And look at this sunrise!!!!


Christmas in 14 days!!  I am so excited!  Spending time with family and friends!  Super!  I will be wrapping and stuffing these next few days.  I just love this time of year!  I wear a badge that says, " It is okay to say Merry Christmas...I bring to you glad tidings of great joy".  Lots of smiles and some frowns but heck..,.we say Happy Halloween or Happy geez!!  Just saying.....!

Another morning...another sunrise...WOW!!

 Will the world end soon?  Will they agree on the financial situation in this country?  Will Sandy victims get the help they need in a timely fashion?  Hmmm...Katrina victims are still waiting!  Sheesh!
As for all these other things...who knows!  We have no say and no control.  Very frustrating.  Talking about our lives...not their's!  It does not affect them!  That is just all kinds of wrong!

Just venting!

Merry Christmas....go and hug someone!  And give a buck to the bell ringers!!

Make sure and visit Stacy at Stacy Uncorked!!  I am sure there is a whole lot of Randomness going on.  Enjoy!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you!


Brian Miller said... 1

with all the other goodness..the end of the world and the fiscal can work itself out or it wont...aint nothing i can do about it...smiles....enjoy your time with fam....the buffet looks nice....

Anonymous said... 2

I keep forgetting it's the end of the world AGAIN. Guess I can hold off on buying my wrapping paper until Saturday!

ellen abbott said... 3

Go have fun, the world will still be here.

Suldog said... 4

I'll bet you the world doesn't end this month. What do you say? Twenty bucks? If it does end, I'll pay you the Tuesday after.

Unspoken said... 5

EEEK! You and Jane are counting down the days :)!

Unknown said... 6

Drinks with the girls sounds perfect to me! Merry Christmas

Indrani said... 7

The day has come and gone... :0
Lovely treatment to the images and fun captures.

The Artful Diva said... 8

martinis - now that's my kind of shopping!

VioletSky said... 9

I bet you are a lot of fun to go shopping with!

SandyCarlson said... 10

Your words and images have me excited about the next 11 days!