Random Tuesday strikes again!! This will be short and sweet! I am packing and preparing to go to Las Cruces...to sight-see while Dr. John attends a conference. Who knows....I might find a nice house?? Remember we are moving there next year...so early planning in the works!
My granddaughter, Emma showed up last night, visiting from Gallup! Her and her boyfriend had just purchased a new car! Well, new for them. A 2004 red Mustang! And a really pretty red too! They are so proud! They obtained it all on their own! Their first car. They are planning a wedding for next June! So they are also in the planning stages! Fun.
Pretty huh??? Both the car and the couple!!
Saturday, two other of my granddaughters visited and we met for lunch at B.J.'s Brew House and Ribs. Fun place and nice lunch. I had pulled BBQ pork sandwich!!!! Appetizers were consumed as well. Pot Stickers and Hot and Spicy Wings! Yummers! Dr. John didn't come because he is battling a terrible chest cold!! So I left him home, in bed! Poor guy...he is miserable!!
Cassie |
Lisa |
Sunday got the nails and toes done with Cheri....ahhhhhhh..relaxing! Then off to shop at Macy's. They have a huge sale going on. I got a fabulous skirt in a beigey-green and a green and cream striped top. Also got a pale yellow and black print top to go with the skirt as well. Woot! I don't usually buy skirts but this was so cool....fashion forward and all that jazz! Ha! Cheri purchased a really cute black and white summer shirt waist dress! Also very nice. Then we went to lunch in the mall court. Chicken Teriyaki! Another yummerzzzz!
Enameling tales....
So at weekends' end I had half a pulled pork sandwich and 1/2 of the teriyaki! Dr. John was a happy boy!
My good friend Alice is coming Wed. to clean the house and house sit! Yeah! While we are in Las Cruces! Then when we return, which is Sat., I unpack and pack again to go to Ohio! Sunday in the air all day...especially nowadays with the delays in air travel! Sigh!
Sunday, arrive at mom's. Sister-in-law, Patti, picking me up from the airport and delivering me to mom's house. Thanks Patti!!
Mom's surgery is Monday. She is getting her whole shoulder replaced. OUCH! I will be staying with her and attempting to care for her. I say attempting because right now, she is all worried about what I will do when I am there. Will I have enough to eat? Will I be comfy in the guest bedroom? Etc., Etc.! Ha! That's mom for you!
Anyway, next Tuesday Random will be on hold since I will be in the hospital with mom. She doesn't want me to stay with her...but I never did listen well! Ha! I will let you all know how she does the following week. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!
I will return home on May 12th as long as all goes well. Six years ago, she got her hip replaced! She was bowling in two weeks!! Sheesh!
Scenic shot....
Dawn |
Well, that is it for me. Make sure and visit Stacy at
Stacy Uncorked! Plenty of Zombie Tales and the like going on over there! Endlessly entertaining! So get your Random on and go!!!!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you