Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Journey outside of Blogland!
I must apologize...I have been so busy doing so many different things and I haven't had any time to blog.
Got the new floor in...took three days...and now I have two grandkids staying for Grandparents Camp! Ha!
So I will be back on line sometime in mid August....just saying.
The floor looks fabulous! But all the living room is still a mess....sigh!! No time to focus!!
See you well
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Silent Saturday ~ Lazy Days of Summer
Now is the time to soak up the summer sun!
Enjoy the lazy days of summer !
Take time to watch the sunrise and the majestic sunsets! \
Feel the sun on your face! Experience some dirt under your fingernails!
Summer goes by so quickly! Savor each moment!
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a marvelous and contemplative weekend!
Hugging you
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Abstract Wednesday ~ Prim and Proper!
Abstract Wednesday...a day to take your photos and manipulate!! Always a fun day for sure.
Stop by Nature Footsteps and take a look at the offerings!
Here is my original photo...
Here is my consists of two layers and several filters.
Original photo...
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Random Tuesday ~ Granite Counters, 5 lbs., Ottis rules!!

The winner of the Amazon Gift Certificate is......drum roll here.............Brain Miller!!! Woot!! Way to go Brian....that is super!!! Send me your snail mail addy and I will get this off to you! Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting!! new orchid!!''
Well, the new granite kitchen counter is in!!!! And it is so beautiful! Here are some pics.....I didn't get before due to puppy needing constant tending during this time!! Ha! He wanted to "see" what was going on. Crate didn't work so finally set him outside in front patio...he tore up the door and barked for 2.5 hours!! Another sigh here!
How could all this stuff fit into my kitchen? Seriously?? Some determined purging to commence!
The 4th of July weekend was wonderful! Just having Dr. John home was terrific!! Our cookout consisted of bratwurst and dark beer and baked beans...oh...and macaroni salad! Yummmmy!!! Just the two of us and puppy...oh yeah!! For dessert....Banana splits!! Did we do it right or what???
Our activity during this time?? Well...puppy-proofing both patios!! Lengthening gates so he can't get underneath and all around the walls....any little hole....he will try to squeeze through. See...Ottis is an escape artists. He once got out in the front yard....and proceeded to run down the driveway and started going up the road, Can we say.....coyote bait? Large dog play toy! These are the thoughts in my head as I, in my sandals, am trying to keep up and entice him to turn around!!! Ack!!
I started praying for divine intervention and the puppy turned around!!! Thank you Lord!!!! I picked him up and determined that given any opportunity...he will take off! Sheesh! And I give him good treats too!! Sigh!
We start leash training this week! And also crate training! Wish me luck!
Today the new sink and such is being installed! Next week...the wood floors! OMG! Here we go again. Where am I going to put all my stuff? You have heard of 5 lbs. of ##### in a 1 lb. bag?? Well....just saying!
Hopefully, puppy and I will fair better this time. Once the counter was installed, I felt like someone had hit me in the back of the head. What with the pup and the noise of cutting granite; the dust and the inconvenience...I was exhausted. I will say that the men doing the work....fantastic. True artists and very professional. They worked hard on controlling the debris and I wore ear plugs when they cut! At their suggestion by the way, Albq. STone Masons! Great guys! Oh and they cleaned up after themselves as well. Could hardly tell they cut granite in the house.
Random picture......choya cactus is blooming!!
Yeah! Finally got my new laptop! In my spare time, I will be setting this one up and it will take over as my main work horse. Dr. John will inherit the old one of course!! Ha! I have to move all my files! Whew! Tons of photos!! I am very thankful to have this new one...more memory and faster. Will work well with my photo art projects!
Newest photo this week...well..actually two...Digital Whispers and one for The Mag.
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digital whispers manipulation with others |
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original |
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original at The Mag |
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altered original photo |
Make sure and wander over to Stacy Uncorked and say a big hello to Stacy! She too is getting ready to move and going through the same process I am. Including doing all the things to the house that we wished to have done over the years!! Ha! Just saying!!!!!!!!!
Have a quiet and uneventful week!
Hugging you
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Silent Saturday ~ Close up....Complicated!
There are times when life gets complicated! You just can't get a handle on it. No matter how you look at your situation, it just isn't clear!
Don't get discouraged! Keep moving forward as best as you can!
You will find beauty in the complication! It will become more clear as you get closer to the center!
Have faith in your plan! Hang on to your goal and your faith! Don't get tired!
There is real beauty in all levels of the situation! Seek the simple path Follow it! And above all, remain calm and wisdom will come to visit you!
Have a magical and blessed journey!
Hugging you
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Abstract Wednesday ~ Bending; Folding and Mutilating!
To Abstract ...... to change the shape, color, or texture .... basically, have fun with a photo! Ha!
Thought I would play with the phrase, Do Not Bend, Fold or Mutilate!! Take a photo and attempt to do sll of those things but still maintain it's's brightness!
Here is the original photo....
What fun!
Make sure and stop by Nature Footsteps and see the other Abstractions! Really beautiful!
Have a creative and imaginative day!
Hugging you
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Random Tuesday ~ Birthdays, Puppies and New Cars !!

My birthday came and went with just the right amount of fanfare! Dinner with good friends at The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant was wonderful. Had just the right amount of food, which we of course, cooked ourselves. Some of the men-folk complained about this! Ha!
I had a Yin and Yang Martini which was their version of a Chocolate Martini and it was sweet, cool, beautiful and delish!! All done up in black and white chocolate!! They gave us two stainless steel pots to cook from and we could have used a couple more. It was difficult reaching the pots! The tempura batters were tasty, but again...hard to cook with only one pot for six!! All in all, we all decided we probably wouldn't come back....pricey and overall, not enjoyable to prepare the food! Just too difficult!
Cheri, Butch and I got our toes and nails preened and beautified! We are styling now! Arin did a fabulous job on mine. He always does; but this time, he outdid himself!!
Dr. John finally bit the bullet! He bought a new car to get him to work and back every day! A commuter vehicle. And it is so cute! A 2013 Prius C in a light teal blue!! His first trip into town, he was able to get 72
MPG!!! Amazing and so quiet. Hybrids are new for us, so it all amazes us!!
He put the 1994 Toyota truck out to pasture with over 365,000 miles!! And over-heating at every hill!! Ha!
Ottis received a haircut...well actually a trim and he wasn't a happy camper. But he looks so adorable!
How is that for cuteness!!! Definitely Grandma's boy too! Where I go...he goes! He has faired well his first week here and he definitely has me smitten!
My second oldest granddaughter, Cassie, turned 21 the day before my birthday! We celebrated at Chili's and had Watermelon Margaritas!! Yummy!
She was thrilled! She is going with her friends to Las Vegas to celebrate! They are going to have a blast!
Next week I will be drawing the name for the $25.00 Amazon Gift Certificate! My birthday gift to all of you! ! Thanks so much for visiting each and every week! You make my day for sure. If you didn't leave a comment last week, do so this week and I will count you in!! Good luck!
Grandkids are coming...grandkids are coming and oh what fun we will have!! Classes at will take jewelry/small metals and one will do Film/Video class! And that is just the beginning! Georgia, 17 years old and Lee Jr., 14, will be here for two weeks and we always have a good time together!
Our friends at IHeart Radio, 100.3 The Peak, will be hosting the Albq Zoo Day this Wednesday and we are going to try to attend. I haven't been to the Zoo for several years, so this ought to be interesting. I say that because I always hate to see beautiful, wild animals in enclosures! Sigh!
My BFF, Cheri made me the most beautiful earrings and cuff bracelet for my birthday! She outdid herself for sure. And she and Butch gifted me with a huge bottle of Absolute Vodka!!! Ahhhhhhh! Martini's for the year...gotta love it!
Ottis is snoozing on my lap; Dr. John is snoozing in bed and I have reached the end of this broadcast! Ha!
I think I will stretch out on the couch and watch the morning news! But it doesn't end here...Stacy, over at Stacy Uncorked is still open and has many new items to share! So stop on over and tell her hello. She would love to meet you!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you
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