
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Fifty-Six!!!

Last week, I missed Silent Saturday completely as I was getting ready to go to Dallas and I forgot all about it!  Ha!  Sorry about that!!

A slice of the city of Dallas!  Just enough to wet your appetite to go and visit.  Beautiful city for sure!!

And no Saturday would be complete without a sunrise pic or two from New Mexico!!

Enjoy your loved ones this weekend!  Take time for yourself and celebrate life!!

Have a blessed and magical day!

Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

very nice...some really cool textures in these pics...i like the statue...and the ripples in the water...they are all beautiful...hope you have a wonderful saturday...

Elizabeth Grimes said... 2

We just had family from Dallas come up and stay with us. We love visiting Texas, lots to see and do. Great pictures!

Debbie said... 3

Your sky photos are some of the best photos I see anywhere on the internet! Just stunning.

Indrani said... 4

Great shots. The sky shots are amazing.

Kristina P. said... 5

I've never been to Texas, but I would love to go. My brother lives there.

Unspoken said... 6

I like the photos with your music. Nice combo!

Maggie May said... 7

You excelled with these photos...... but then you usually do!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Magaly Guerrero said... 8

The sunsets (or are they sunrises?) made gasp.

Carole said... 9

Gorgeous photos. Fun seeing the little green buds on the branches. I guess it was cold this winter for them too. One of these days I need to go to Texas......dying to go the Round Top show.

Pranavam Ravikumar said... 10

Nice Photos...!

Hilary said... 11

Wonderful pics, SueAnn. I especially love the closeup of the sculpture.

Mimi said... 12

Great comment at the end. I'm going to celbrate life this week, not just plod through it.

Hugs & love,

Jill said... 13

Beautiful pictures of Dallas! I've never been to the States, so it's great to see some 'real' pictures - not just images on TV and in magazines!


Velvet Over Steel said... 14

Georgeous pictures again, SueAnn!!

Did I tell you that my oldest son is moving to Houston the end of May. Had a clinical there last fall and accepted a job right after he graduates from P.T. school come May. Another place to visit right?! :-)

Have a wonderful week, SueAnn!
Coreen xoxo

Unknown said... 15

Beautiful photos! It's been a while since I've been to Dallas, but a few things looked a little familiar. Thanks so much for stopping by.

SandyCarlson said... 16

I love the light in these!

Unknown said... 17

The pictures made me long for spring...
