
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Random Tuesday....Celebrate!!!

Wow!!  August 2nd!!!!!  Talk about time warp!!  This is it!  Summer is speeding to a close and I am definitely not ready for that!  So let's all hang on to August and keep it here for two or three months!  Ha!!
An August sunrise for you to enjoy....

On July 27th, Dr. John and I celebrated our 37th Anniversary!!  Woot!  It seems like only yesterday, we exchanged our vows in a little country church in Columbus, Ohio!  The church was filled with people that we loved and who loved us.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and HOT!!  Just like now!  We pledged our love to one another and said our "I do's".  Fabulous!!

Dr. John brought home a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me...well...for us really.  Ha!

We went to the Olive Garden to celebrate with our friends, Louise (Cheri's mom) and Cheri...

Louise is 97 years as a tack and absolutely gorgeous!!

We celebrated and celebrated....

Chocolate martini's and margaritas!!  It was a fun evening!  Cheers..!!!!

Our eldest granddaughter is staying with us this week...Lisa!  She is a joy and a pleasure to have around.We have already been shopping at the mall.  We visited her favorite store...Torrid!!  Stylin' place for sure!  I even found a summer dress there and a fabulous belt! 

No pics yet...those will follow on next Tuesday.  Need to get some nice shots of her in her new outfits.

Today we get our nails and toes done and then we will go out to lunch.  When we get is time to do some maintenance on our hot tub.  So we will don our suits and get to cleaning!  

Due to the severe drought, I have lost five plants in my rock garden...sniff!!!  But, Praise the Lord!  We have received over 1.5 inches of rain in the last few days!  Woot!!  But we are still behind about 4 inches!  Remember...this is since January!!  Sheesh!  But I did replace the plants that I removed...and so far...they are extremely happy.

I can't believe that school will be starting soon!  Wow!  They are already advertising "Back to School" specials on TV!!  Boy!  I remember how excited I used to be to get my new pencils and paper.  It was always so exciting to have my book bag filled with brand new supplies on the first day of school.  Oh!  And we can't forget the new outfits and shoes as well!!  Sigh!!  Wonder if kids still get as excited today?

I have so many places I want to take my granddaughter, Lisa...and so little time.  She is only here for one week.  Lisa is a teaching assistant in the Gallup School District!  She has always been good with kids!! 

So our schedule looks like this:
     Tuesday....nails and toes; lunch; hot tub in Madrid, New Mexico and lunch
     Thursday....Shopping in Old Town and lunch
     Friday.... lunch at Papadeux's and watching a live baseball game (The Isotopes of Albuquerque)
     Saturday....movies...Captain America (she wants to see this) and possibly shopping at Uptown
     Sunday....time to go home...sigh!!!

Whew!!  And we still never make it to Santa Fe...!!!!  Oh time!!

Madrid, New Mexico...nestled in the Ortiz old coal mining town, now an artist haven and wonderful shopping district.  I will have pics to share next Tuesday.  Lisa will love it here!!

Old Town Albuquerque...historic Mexican district filled with shops and restaurants and bed and breakfasts.  Also the place for all the museums!  Fun area to see!  More pics to come!

Ants have attacked my home again!!!!!!

I think they could take over the world if given half a chance!  So I set out my homemade bait for them.  Mint apple jelly, mixed with boric acid!!  That ought to fix them!!  I have this bait set out in both my bathrooms, my hallway, my studio and my kitchen!  Sheesh!!  I am itchy just writing about them!!  Ack!!!!!!!

Well, I think I have ambled and rambled enough today!  So why not join the fun and Randomize with us?  Tuesday's the day and Randomizing is the way!  Keely of The UnMom used to be our rallying point...but she is on Sabbatical right Stacy of Stacy Uncorked has picked up the banner and run with it.  So pop over to her blog and check out the other Randomizers!  Come on!  You know you want to do it!!  Ha!!

Oops!  I forgot!  A beautiful rainbow showed up the other day and we got some beautiful photos of it.

Make a wish!!

And have a beautiful and magical day!
Hugging you


Anonymous said... 1

Happy Anniversary!!! I loved looking at all your pictures. Sounds like you & Lisa have a super exciting week planned, hope you enjoy to the fullest. I'll be awaiting the photos :)

Brian Miller said... 2

he sis good on that bouquet didnt he? smiles happy anniversary! and cool the ones of the adobe town...and margaritas or course...smiles.

Unspoken said... 3

I bet Lisa loves coming to visit you! It looks really pretty in New Mexico. The ants? I had 'em in Florida. They are mini soldiers from the underworld ;).

Stacy Uncorked said... 4

Happy Anniversary, SueAnn! :) Awesome flowers from Dr. John - and no way is Louise 97!!! I hope I look that good at 97! :)

Your beautiful photographs always want me to jump in my car and drive to where you're at! :)

Sounds like you have lots of fun planned for Lisa's visit - she's not going to want to go home! ;)

Thanks for playing along with me again today! :)

Math Error, Blonde Moment and Blankscreenitis: RTT Rebel

Judy said... 5

With only a week, you need to pick and choose...enjoy...

Kim Mailhot said... 6

Happy Anniversary ! The bouquet from the hubby was beautiful.
Enjoy your daughter and me time !

Hilary said... 7

Beautiful skies, good friends, flowers and fancy drinks.. it can't get much better than this. Happy Anniversary to you.. and many, many more.

Magaly Guerrero said... 8

37 years... oh my gods... and you look so amazingly happy together. I said it once and I'll say it again, I want to be you when I grow up! Congrats dear luv!

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 9

First time I've seen you as a blonde. You are look'n GOOD and TRIM. Hugs, Doll.

VioletSky said... 10

You seem to have bundles of energy!