
Friday, February 24, 2012

Photo Art Friday!!

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art put forth a challenge to use one of her textures with a not so good photo and see what you can come up with.  I chose this photo...

With this texture...

Here is my finished piece...

This was fun.  Thanks Bonnie!!!  For the challenge...!!!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you'


Hootin Anni said... 1

I use PaintShop program on my computer, hence I can't use the filters provided, but I still really enjoy all the wonderful works of art such as yours this week...

My art today is a QUILTED MOSAIC ROSE if you'd care to use my direct link. Have a glorious Friday.

Tabor said... 2

Fun task. I like the original photo on its own just as well.

Brian Miller said... 3

nice...i like what the texture does to this is a surreal kinda classical feel...

Unknown said... 4

I love! this ...
I would love to know how/where you took the original photo??

Celia said... 5

What a change in feeling, very interesting, I don't know how to do this, but am going to show it to my graphics arts son for info.

Ida said... 6

Sucn and interesting photo to start off with. The use of the texture just gave it a very magical feel. Fun!

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 7

I see the fun in the pic!

Kim Mailhot said... 8

Awesome pics to play with ! Those stripey creatures are so cool !
I hope you have a sweet and creative weekend !

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 9

What an intriguing pic to 'play' with! Thank you for sharing your work with Photo Art Friday!!

ceevee said... 10

What a fun piece!

Indrani said... 11

Great effect! Wonderfully done!

Tatjana Parkacheva said... 12

Nice post-processing.

Regards and best wishes

SandyCarlson said... 13

SURREAL! You have me all-capsing tonight! Just amazing.

Hilary said... 14

Very cool.. it turned out wonderfully.