
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Silent Saturday ~ Part 119 !!!

And sometimes...

It's just to be green!  And sometimes...

Just a bit of color will do!

Have a creative and imaginative day!

Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

oh it was the butterfly that stole the show for me...smiles....lots of cool pics though...happy saturday!

Magaly Guerrero said... 2

That's because you do magic with a bit of color. I love that sky and the butterfly ;-)

Unspoken said... 3

Oh my gosh, when I was a little girl I read books by Johnny Gruelle about Raggedy Ann. She had all these magical adventures in a magical wood where cookies grew on bushes and hot dogs fell from trees to simmer below and be added to buns growing near by. For a small instant, when I looked at the cacti I saw frosted cookies in the grass. I love that image you have there. I've never seen red like this on cacti. I need to move from the rainn ;).

Unspoken said... 4

And be more patient with typing. Excuse the spelling errors :).

ellen abbott said... 5

love the prickly pear. well, they are all great.

SandyCarlson said... 6

Your photos are wonderful, SueAnn! That butterfly is especially amazing.

Dianne said... 7

I love the edits you've done

Suldog said... 8

Cactus Pears! This is the third post I've seen them in this month! How odd - I wonder if God is sending me some sort of message via my blog buddies?

Friko said... 9

I had to look twice to catch the butterfly. Gorgeous.