
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Silent Saturday ~ Part 118!!!

Random Silent Saturday!  No rhyme or reason for these photos other than they are some of my favs that don't fit in any kind of descriptive box.  Kind of like me...Ha!!  And kind of like you!  We don't fit in any peg...we walk on our own path! 


Have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

ooo i really like the waterfall, the texture you put on it is really cool...and the windmill...i have a bit of don quixote in me...ha...happy saturday

Maggie May said... 2

Like the waterfall picture the best...... though they are all very lovely!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Indrani said... 3

Great series of shots.
I always look forward to what new you present.

SandyCarlson said... 4

The windmill shot has me. I love the perspective as well as the texture.

ellen abbott said... 5

still love that windmill!

Cindy said... 6

The windmill and the waterfall are my faves. we do walk our own paths. glad to be able to visit again my friend. hugs.

Friko said... 7

Remarkable pictures. The waterfall looks like rugs being spread out.

Unspoken said... 8

That last one is sooooo cool :)!

Queenie Jeannie said... 9

You always have the coolest photos!!! Really enjoy these this week!

Suldog said... 10

The waterfall is really cool. The filter makes it look like spaghetti strands, or maybe hair.

Monica said... 11

Oh my, what a beautiful sunset! Love the second shot too. I've been meaning to pop by and say hello for a while, and it's September already- time flies!