
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday's Things!

Come on in and sit awhile.  I have brewed some freshly ground coffee and I feel like a chat.  There are a few things that happened to me this week that I wanted to share.

First, I received this award from Ethelmae from The Adventures of Fred and Ethel.  If you haven't visited her should.  She has made me laugh so many times.  Wonderful writer.  Anyway, she gave me this award the other day and I feel so honored.  She gave this to several of her blog friends and she included me in the "friend" circle.  Wow!  Blogland is amazing, isn't it?  Thank you sweetie!!

These are just a few of the things I won over at Fern Creek Cottage .  Another beautiful blog and it was a wonderful giveaway!!    Stop by and visit Lisa if you have a chance.  Her blog is gorgeous!!!  I also got a beautiful vintage card and a ceramic bird and the cuties little bird house!  Woohoo!!  A bounty for sure!

Then I was a runner up in a giveaway at Good Mourning Glory by Diane !!!  And I won a bottle of China Glaze Nail Polish in a beautiful deep dark purple!!  It is a gorgeous shade. 

 You all know Diane I hope!  Fabulous blog...!!!  She also has a blog called Wouldn't you like to  see something strange.  This blog introduces you to some novel and amazing art work!  So take a moment and visit both of the blogs.  Well worth the visit!!!  Diane is the bomb!!

I also got some new bras...but that I didn't take a photo of!  HA!  They fit perfectly!  The girls are happy!  And so am I!!

The paper is drying slowly but surely.  It is still raining off and on.  So it may take all week at this rate.  Sigh!!  Of all times for the desert to be rainy!!  Sheesh!!

On a fun note!  My peach tree is so happy and blossoming all over the place!!

Just had to share.  The blooms are amazing!!  Hope we will actually get peaches this year.  How exciting is that?

Hope you all have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 1

You have had a bountiful week! Oh my, thank you for sharing that exquisite peach blossom ... I don't think I have ever seen one. But now I have, thanks to you!

Sarah Knight said... 2

Sounds like a good week!
Good luck with the peaches!
We have a dwarf weeping peach. It isn't so much about bearing actual fruit as it is blooming with the most delightful bright pink flowers
: )

That, and we're too lazy to spray any of our fruit trees, so the birds, bugs, and critters usually feast on them.

Brian Miller said... 3

sounds ike a great week to me...the skin you put on that first pic is really nice...and the butterfly basket is really cool...

Diva Kreszl said... 4

sounds like you had a perfectly lovely week! Thanks for sharing all these links, I shall be visiting them all soon :)

Boozy Tooth said... 5

Awesome week SueAnn! And well deserved. Congrats on your award and fabulous winnings. Hey, since you're so lucky, can I come stand by you? Maybe some of it will rub off.


Kristina P. said... 6

Such pretty things!

Cindy said... 7

What a great week for you. congratulations on your circle of friends award, your friendship means a lot to me. I am praying for sun so we can see your wip. take care my friend.

Kim Mailhot said... 8

Glad you are having such agreat week. Congrats on all the juicy prizes. I will go and check out a few new friends now.
Happy Earth Day !

CiCi said... 9

That's quite a bloggy stash! Congrats on all the lovely things you won online.

Artsnark said... 10

Congrats on all the goodies. Love your photos & the new avatar is fab!

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

SandyCarlson said... 11

You're having quite a week. I am glad it is good! Thanks for the beautiful peach blossom.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said... 12

everything is fabulous,
beautiful flower,

Happy Earth day!

Tabor said... 13

I think the peach blossoms are the best and peaches are one of my favorite fruits.

dave hambidge said... 14

Hello there, guided across the bigpond from England by JustJill at "Elemental my dear" and you entry for the April to May challenge. Nice photo, says it all.

Peach trees take a lot of care indoors in sheltered southern parts of britland, not the cold, wild midlands where I reside.

Best to you, dave

Unknown said... 15

Hi SueAnn,

Oh, I just love peaches and the blooms are gorgeous. Congrats on the award and for winning so much fabulous stuff! It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?

Because of your inspirational stories, I have put myself on a diet to lop of the pounds I put on after my mom died. I feel like I no longer need whatever it is I felt I needed protection from. Probably my own thinking.

Anyway, thanks for the cute comment on my fairy story. Yes, if she were the queen, the damage might have been worse. (tee hee :)

Keep on being your beautiful self. Sending sparkles and butterfly kisses.


Hilary said... 16

That peach blossom is a beauty! And I like how everything you won is winged.

La Donna Welter said... 17

Coffee and a chat!!!!! The peach blossom is sooooooo beautiful!

Joanna Jenkins said... 18

Isn't it amazing that a new bra can make your day :-)

Congrats on your awards and giveaway wins! You scored some great loot!

Have a fun weekend.