
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

-Google at

Historical antecedents

Lamberts thought[who?] this day emerged from a custom of mother worship in ancient Greece, which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods.{Encyclopædia Britannica|(1959)Vol.15,p. 849} This festival was held around the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor and eventually in Rome itself from the Ides of March (15 March) to 18 March.
The ancient Romans also had another holiday, Matronalia, that was dedicated to Juno, though mothers were usually given gifts on this day.
In Europe there were several long standing traditions where a specific Sunday was set aside to honor motherhood and mothers such as Mothering Sunday. Mothering Sunday celebrations are part of the liturgical calendar in several Christian denominations, including Anglicans, and in the Catholic calendar is marked as Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent to honour the Virgin Mary and your "mother" church (the main church of the area). Historians think that children who served in houses were given a day off on that date so they could visit their families. The children would pick wild flowers along the way to place them on the church or to give them to their mothers as gifts.[2]
International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time in 28 February 1909, in the US,[3] by which time Anna Jarvis had already begun her national campaign in the US. It is now celebrated in many countries on March 8.
The "Mother's Day Proclamation" by Julia Ward Howe was one of the early calls to celebrate Mother's Day in the United States. Written in 1870, Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation was a pacifist reaction to the carnage of the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. The Proclamation was tied to Howe's feminist belief that women had a responsibility to shape their societies at the political level.

-Found on Wikipedia via Google-

Hugs and Love,

PS.  Have a magical and blessed day!


Brian Miller said... 1

hope your mothers day is magical as well! smiles.

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said... 2

Happy Mother's Day SueAnn!! Bless You!
Hugs, Sharon

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 3

May this day and your life as a mother be happy SueAnn!!!

Natasha said... 4

Happy Mother's Day to you too. What beautiful images!

Boozy Tooth said... 5

Big bunches of Mothers Day love to you, my sweet awesome talented friend.

I love you too! Have a wonderful and blessed day.

CiCi said... 6

The photo of the roses is amazing.
I hope you enjoy this Mothers Day and know how much you are appreciated in your blog.

ellen abbott said... 7

Happy Mother's Day to you! And I loved the history lesson. thanks.

Kristina P. said... 8

Happy Mother's Day.

Unknown said... 9

happy Mother's Day to you too! Hope you had a good one.

SandyCarlson said... 10

Happy Mother's Day to you, too! Thanks for this gorgeous post.

Covnitkepr1 said... 11

I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog. I came across it through another blog I follow, and I’m glad I did. I am now a follower of yours as well. Feel free to look over my blog and perhaps become one as well.

Joanna Jenkins said... 12

Happy Mother's Day SueAnn. I hope you're having a wonderful time.

Sniffles and Smiles said... 13

What a fascinating history this day has! I loved reading this! Hope you had a wonderful day, SueAnn! Love, Janine XO

Cindy said... 14

SueAnn very interesting, I love the rose photo at the end. Just beautiful

Eleni said... 15

Ah I'm sorry I'm late, just wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's Day :)


Unknown said... 16

Hope your day was wonderful. It doesn't take a Hallmark holiday to remember, but sometimes it is a beautiful bonus. Like those roses.