
Monday, May 3, 2010

Prom night ~ as promised!

On the road to Gallup, New Mexico!  We spied a rain storm in the distance!  It was so awesome.  You can see for miles out here!!

Gotta have those New Mexico blue skies...even in a storm!!  Love it!!

Got to the house just as the girls were getting ready.  One was in rollers and the other was at the beauty salon.  Everyone was all excited.  Such a buzz of activity!  Grandpa and Grandma beaming and Dad and Mom proud as punch!

This is a picture taken when they were just little girls!  My how time has flown by!  Hope you enjoy the Smilebox I created.  Prom night!!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: May Prom 2010
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
A digital slideshow by Smilebox

Thank you ever so much for stopping by!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Kim Mailhot said... 1

Lovely times and lovely memories for all !
Happy Monday, SueAnn !

Lora said... 2

I look at my son and think of all that stands in front of him, and prom is one of those thing that I anticipate with joy and dread all at the same time. It's such a HUGE time in a child-not-a-child's life.

Love to everyone!

Brian Miller said... 3

arent they just the sky pics as well!

Hilary said... 4

Beauties, they are. They grow as quickly as one of those rainstorms blow in, don't they?

Unknown said... 5

love the sky pictures. We have been to Arizona twice, and the grandeur of the horizon , the clouds, the sunrise and sunsets, were stunning.

your prom girls are beautiful. Love that they did their own hair.

Land of shimp said... 6

Oh, isn't that just darling? Just poised right on the cusp of adulthood, their first big memory building experience. They look wonderful!

I hope they had a marvelous, safe time.

By the way, in the photo collection below, that is the one time in my life I have ever looked at a highway and said, "Wow, that's beautiful." Fantastic pictures :-)

imbeingheldhostage said... 7

They are lovely! Is it so terrible that it seems like yesterday when I was having the prom excitement? (It was SO not yesterday).
My oldest and his girlfriend skipped prom. They thought it was "for losers". I felt ripped off!
They both regret it now, guess who the losers were? ;-)
It's so cool that you got to experience this-- and under beautiful NM skies!!

SandyCarlson said... 8

Very beautiful shots. A great series.

ethelmaepotter! said... 9

I loved this - the pictures go fabulously with the music, and the girls are so pretty in their gowns.

I kept thinking Cassie looked familiar, and then I realized she resembles MY daughter!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 10

Lovely girls! :) I remember thinking how grown-up I felt for prom and I look back and I was such a baby!

pchickki said... 11

Well happy prom!
These photos are just amazing! Hope you all had a fun time!

przhym said... 12

Sue I love the smile box you made. Great job!!!

Cindy said... 13

SueAnn, very nice, such lovely young ladies, glad you had a great time. I do so like doing the Smilebox slideshow. I used to but have not for
a while....maybe soon. hugs to you.

Nanny Goats In Panties said... 14

What pretty pictures, SueAnn! I've never used Smilebox before, I love the music you played.

Hugs back to you!