
Friday, February 1, 2013

Photo Art Friday ~

Photo Art Friday

This week Bonnie, over at Pixel Dust Photo Art, has challenged us with producing a piece of minimalist art/photo! What fun!! I really had so many to chose from but I played too!

Here are my offerings...

I guess this is as minimal as I can get....LOL!!  Check out Pixel Dust Photo for more minimalist photos...some amazing work!!

Have a magical and fantabulous day!!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

ha the picture of you got a rerun....and i def see you this time...smiles...happy friday sueann

Anonymous said... 2

I like the last picture very much, it's beautiful.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 3

Love how you capture the shadows. They are as important in your compositions as the actual object. Love the first and last one.

ellen abbott said... 4

love the watering can and the door knob!

Monica S Engell said... 5

Perfect on the theme! Love he first an last one!

Currie Silver said... 6

the shadows are glorious!! always such a treat to see what you've done, SueAnn!! lovely stuff indeed!!!

Anonymous said... 7

love the door knob!

Ida said... 8

You did a fine job with the theme. I love the Watering can and the Door Knob.

libbyquilter said... 9

these are all very interesting but the first one is definately my favorite~! i love the way that it's more about the shadow of the watering pitcher than the pitcher itself . . .
nice work on the minimalist challenge.


Lynne with an e said... 10

Lots of visual fun here but my favourite is the watering can spout. Bold and simple and quite stunning.