
Sunday, April 25, 2010

WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Two!

As the sun rises...I go out and check to see if the paper has finally dried! 

We lift off the tarp and the paper is good to go!!  WooHoo!!  So we take it out of the form and bring it into the studio.  Here is what it looks like now!

So there is the first sheet of paper.  As you can see..the color is much more subtle but the texture is pronounced.  It is a little thicker than I hoped for but I can work with that.  Now I have to do another sheet and then I will be done.   I won't bore you with showing the process again.  I think you pretty much have figured out how this works.

The sun is going down and  I have had a pretty successful day.  I took my sewing machine in because it was getting rather loud.  Oh!! Oh!!  We went to the Bernina shop.  Oops!!  So while they are servicing my machine I bought a Bernina...woohoo!!!   It is just the basic one...but it has more horsepower.  Which I need for this project.  I gave it a test run today and it is fantastic!!!!

Have a wonderful and magical evening and a great Monday!!

Hugging you


Cindy said... 1

I am so impressed SueAnn, I think it is incredible. I love the color and the texture. As for the last photo, I wish simply that I were there watching it with you. Have a great evening. take care.Hugs

Hilary said... 2

Very cool. I'm so looking forward to seeing what you have in store for that paper.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 3

Nice texture - will be back to see what the artist has in store for us! Thanks SueAnn!

Frank Baron said... 4

I'm happy you're happy with your paper. :)

And you caught a nice shade of magenta in that last shot. :)

Brian Miller said... 5

love the textures in that paper...very nice. nice sunrise and sunset as well...definitely inspiring. i hear the smile in your writing.

ethelmaepotter! said... 6

I never knew paper could be so beautiful. Have fun with it!

Boozy Tooth said... 7

Only YOU can make me want to wrap myself in paper. That stuff is just dreamy! Love, love, love the little twiggy pieces and the wash of color.

Does it come in a size 6?

PS: Really like the Spanish version of Hero. Is that Mariah?

Tabor said... 8

Just paper and yet so lovely already. I like the way you cover the whole day with the sunset. It is a work of love.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said... 9

awesome arts,
love the last photo the best,
Happy Monday!

ellen abbott said... 10

This is so cool. I love handmade paper. Please continue. And what a beautiful sunset!

Sarah Knight said... 11

Looks excellent! The texture of handmade paper is always fascinating.

Best of luck with the future sewing endeavors! My mom is one of those ladies who not only uses but also collects sewing machines. I think she has like 14 of them. There's virtually one in every room of her house
: )

SandyCarlson said... 12

Your artwork is amazing; subtle and delicate and exquisite.

SandyCarlson said... 13

Thanks for stopping by!

imbeingheldhostage said... 14

That is SO cool! Sorry to take so long to comment, I've been trying to read this from my phone and the internet is rubbish this week for some reason!

BTW, not bored at all-- you could do another whole post on the process and I'd still be reading. :-)