
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random Tuesday....The snow has stopped!!

Yes the snow has stopped!  You heard me right!  Over the weekend we received two inches of the awful white stuff!!  But it is all melted and I am happy once again.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing and all is right with the world.

Had a great time in Gallup taking the prom dress pictures.  If you haven't seen them...they are here.  They had some pictures out of when the girls where little.  Gosh how time flies!!  But one thing hasn't changed.  They always loved to play dress up and get their pictures taken!!!  Wish I had digital images of them...that would be fun.

The second piece of paper dried despite the snow and rain.  Very cool!  And the color is fabulous!  So I won't have to add any.  Which is great!  Now I can start assembling the sculpture.  Woohoo!

Started walking as my exercise program.  45 minutes almost every day!  I am impressed with myself!  I have always hated exercise but I have actually been enjoying the walk.  Up and down hills too!!!  A few stray dogs to add interest.  Haven't had to run it is all good!

I have been having trouble eating recently.  With gastric bypass...your stomach becomes very small so you have to chew food ....really chew it!!!  But lately, my food has become "stuck" and I can only get a couple of bites down.  So therefore, my food consumption is low.  Causing some icky side effects.  HAIR LOSS!!  Hair is coming out and at this rate...I will be bald!!!!  So have a figure a way to get more food into me.  Other than that...all is well!!

For the feint of heart...look away!  No I did not animate this.  This is just what my stomach looks like now.  In case you were wondering.  I started out at 365 lbs.!!  I now weigh 225lbs.  Do the math!  I can move around now and take care of myself.  I am only 5' 3" so it was hard to get myself around.  I was considering getting a motorized cart.  No kidding!  Had a wheel chair for when we needed to go places that involved any kind of walking!!!  No wheel chair now!!  I walk my own self around.  My goal is to loss at least 90 more lbs. 

I know I took a drastic step...but I was in drastic shape.  Just thought I would share a bit more detail about my weight loss.  Hope I didn't gross you out?!

I best get myself out into my studio and get to work.  It has been so nice visiting with you.  Come back again.  The coffee is always on.

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


Judy said... 1

Yes, drastic step...but from the sounds, it was worth it...can you put things back together after you reach your goal??

Unseen India Tours said... 2

Beautiful words,beautiful shots and beautiful post !!Great..Thanks for sharing !

auntiegwen said... 3

Wow, you've done really well with the weight loss. I hope you reach your goal xxx

Brian Miller said... 4

nicely done with the weight loss...snow, i cant believe is gorgeous here today! hope you have an incredible day!

Anonymous said... 5

omg.. snow?.. in NM? that sounds incredible. I am very proud of you. when I get home I am going to walk one half hour pr. day to start out.
then I know myself, i will keep on keeping on and I am sure you will too! hugs, darlene

Kristina P. said... 6

That is a significant weight loss. Congrats!

The Crazy Coxes said... 7

Congrats on the weight loss. It sounds like so many doors have been opened up to you since you had the surgery! That's cool that you have started walking too! Good luck with your goal. I'm sure you can do it!

Sniffles and Smiles said... 8

Oh, SueAnn...CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's fantastic! And your daughters are soo beautiful! They have their mom's beautiful eyes!! So glad that you are coming along with your next project...sorry about the snow...but at least it is nice to stay inside and work on your art...Love, Janine XO

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 9

Girl, you are on a roll!!! Keep going. :) Can your doctor prescribe a special vitamin to help with the hair loss? I lost a lot of hair when I was breastfeeding, and I started taking a prenatal vitamin again to help, and it worked. :)

CiCi said... 10

I know it was a tough decision for you to do the bypass. I wish you luck and health and happiness. I don't know much about it and had not heard of the hair loss problem. But if you lose your hair and are healthy then it is actually a small penalty in my opinion. I take cream in my coffee and I will visit again!

Hilary said... 11

I hope you figure out the hair loss thing soon. I imagine that the surgery and resulting changes are a stress to the body.. hence the hair loss. Hopefully it will just run its course and get back on track. I'm glad your snow is back in the past where it belongs!

ellen abbott said... 12

I enjoy walking too but it's already getting hot here. Have to go early morning or early evening and soon even that will be too hot.

Unspoken said... 13

I love to walk too!

Cindy said... 14

sueAnn, I needed to read this today. you described yourself and some of what I read, I felt I was reading about me. I have been having trouble with acid reflex and other issues now....I am proud of you for all the walking you are doing. I had a dream last night about walking. I think I will post about it. thank you. be well.

Bernie said... 15

I popped over from cinner's blog and I cannot leave without saying congratulations on your weight loss and your discipline to walk each day.....wonderful. Stay healthy my friend and I am looking forward to following your journey. It is so inspirational....:-)Hugs

Natasha said... 16

Awesome on the weight loss. Now to make sure you stick to your walking schedule- brisk walking is much better than running, actually.

And what beautiful girls.

Shrinky said... 17

My goodness, from using a wheelchair, to taking 45min daily hikes - what a turn around! You have worked so hard to get here, life must feel beautiful now. Have you considered asking your pharmiscist for a liquid nutritional food supplement? After achieving so much, you really don't need to fall into being undernourished, something like this may help to compensate until your stomach can cope better processing food.

Natasha said... 18

Just stopped by to say there is an award for you on my site.

Judy said... 19

Have you tried herbs for your hair loss?? Try and get some suggestions...

Monica said... 20

Sue Ann, are you kidding?? Snow in May????
And congrats on your weight loss, I lost 33 lbs last year, and returned to my average weight. I know I should walk everyday, my hat off to you... Keep going, good girl!

Bee said... 21

How awful to get snow in May! I would be really cross about that.

I'm sorry to hear that your gastric bypass is giving you trouble, but it must be wonderful to get your mobility back again. I love to eat, but I try to walk at least 3 miles every day and it really does wonders -- not only for weight control, but also for my mental/emotional health.
Good luck to you on reaching your goal.

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said... 22

Dearest SueAnn, Wow! I did not have any idea that you were on this journey. Bless you friend along the road to wellness. I am so proud of you! I'll be praying that your stomach will accept the food you need to sustain yourself. God Bless You Sweetheart! You will be on my mind and in my prayers daily. Hugs and Love, Sharon

Unknown said... 23

Hi there SueAnn. I feel so bad because you're always diligent about visiting me, and I just can't find ehough time to come by your place often enough. Please forgive me - I still love ya.

I was clueless about your journey with weight loss. You should be so proud of yourself for all of that loss. I know it's hard. I had an aunt who weighed over 400 lbs and I just remember how she would cry when she realized she couldn't eat something she had always enjoyed. I had a lot of private cries over her.

God bless you for your will power. I hope you find a solution to the hair loss.
