
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Random Tuesday....Why not!!!

Yesterday was a beautiful day; but oh so hot!!  The skies were so blue with the whitest, wispiest clouds!!  Fabulous!!!!!!!  And I had a girls' day out!  Worked on the fiber piece until around 2PM and then went for a manicure and pedicure.  Ahhhh!  So relaxing!  They have new pedicure chairs and oh my.....they are heavenly.  They give you a total back massage while your feet luxuriate in very warm, pulsating water.  Can we say heavenly!!!!  And then Jessica gave me the most wonderful leg and foot massage as well!  I just loved it!
I went with a red color this time and of course, a design on my big toenail and ring finger nail.  Fabulous!!!!!

Pedicure spa chair...Jessica's is red with a crystal clear bowl.

Going to install my fiber piece on Augsut 21st!!  Woohoo!  I am so excited!  I called Bob and he was oh so ready for it to be installed.  It will be a little tricky getting all of it up on the wall; but my son (Lee) is coming in to give us a hand.  He lives about 2.5 hours away from us.  So I have the added bonus of working with my son...again!  I love working with him.  He is my best helper...sorry Dr. John...but it is true.  Plus he is very strong!!  Need that!!!!

I am so frustrated!  We have the tiniest black ants coming in the house and I can't find where they are entering.  I have sprayed window sills and floor boards and outside the windows, to no avail.   Maybe they have a nest in my house??  OMG!!  I am now itching all over my body!!  Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!  Every morning I have to squash about 10 tiny ants.  Sorry ants; but this is my nest...not yours!!

This means WAR!!!!

So I am sitting on my chair, in my office when out of the corner of my eye I catch some movement on the floor.  And what I see made my hair stand on end and my skin crawl.

Sometimes called Jeruselum crickets or Niñas de la Tierra (children of the earth, in Spanish), these things are huge! I've seen them as big as three inches long. Not the biggest insect in the world, but easily as big as I'd ever want to see. They look like a grotesque clown of a giant ant with huge brown and black striped abdomen.

And the one I saw was 3 inches!!!  He was big and ugly.   I kept trying to catch him (I cant squash this one) but he kept eluding me under my cabinets.  Finally, he just disappeared!  Yikes!  They say when you see them, they are dying.  They live totally underground and never come up, except to die!  How nice for me.  Somewhere I have this giant insect...dead!!! 

Sounds like bug week at Sue's doesn't it?  Ha!  Also a reddish colored centipede snuck in as well and I couldn't catch him either!  Now these guys are slayers and will give you a nasty bite.  He must be feasting on the Ninas de la Tierra!!  Gag!!!


Now that I have you all itching and looking about you...that is all I have for bugs!  Whew!  Now if I could just catch the suckers I would be a happy camper.  Hey!  Maybe the centipede will eat all the little black ants?  Wonder if you could train them??  Hmmmm!  Just saying!!

Walking over 4 miles a day now with my friend, Cheri or Dr. John or both!  It is such a beautiful walk and we run in to all kinds of local residents.  Horses and dogs!  Ha!  Most people are still in bed when we walk.  We leave at 5:45AM and nowadays that is still dark.  Well, yesterday, Cheri decided that she needed to take Cookie on the walk with us!  So....

Meet Cookie!  Her 15 year old horse!!  So off we went to walk and she was so good.  She went the entire way with us and never complained.  Nor did any of the cars that passed us.  Some people do have to get to work early!  What's wrong with these people...I mean it is 6AM for heaven's sake!!  Ha!

Cookie giving kisses!!

Cookie loved the tasty wild flowers that edged the roads we walked.  So we had to stop several times for her to partake!  But we still made good time...I think it took us maybe 10 minutes longer.  Cheri has another horse, called Pie!!  She was to take her with us next time.  Pie is 26 and feisty.  So this out to be interesting.  Did I say that I am a little nervous around horses?  I mean...they are big and strong!!  And very, very tall!

This morning I have a sore throat!  I must have snored all night!  Ha!  But Dr. John didn't complain so I guess it wasn't too bad.  What am I saying??  He is still is only 4:25AM!!  He gets up at 5 to 5:15AM!

Did I tell you that he (Dr. John) got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for our anniversary?  Hmmm!  I must have forgotten.  They were gorgeous and such a surprise!  He is so good to me!!  I just love him to pieces.

Aren't they pretty??

Guess I will end this random randomness!  And bid you a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you

PS> I almost forgot!  Sheesh!  Go visit Keely at The UnMom and see her Randomness and others as well.  It is great fun and you get to travel all over the world!  Not bad for blogland!!


Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 1

Good Morning! I can really relate to your "randomness" this morinng! :-) It's been very hothere too, I've been trying to wasl as well, but haven't hit 4 miles yet! My daughter has a new horse that we've been spending alot of time with. An the roses, they are gorgwous!!!
Have a great day and keep up the walking!

auntiegwen said... 2

Lovely flowers from lovely Dr J, happy anniversary x ps jealous of the mani pedi too xxx

Diandra said... 3

Ooooh, lovely flowers!

Concerning the insects - I have a deal with spiders: As long as they remain outside, they are safe from me. Inside, they die. I told them once, and so far only 2 have been stupid enough not to believe me. You have to say it so they know you mean business.

Debbie said... 4

I had those little ants last year and they drove me nuts. I hate to use any poison but I finally gave up and called someone. He said the smaller the ant, the harder to get rid of!

Kim Mailhot said... 5

Have to say I had a hard time getting through the beginning of this post with all the creepy crawlies !!! I am still itching !
Your friend Cookie is lovely and so were the sweet love flowers from your man. May the creepy things get banished quickly ! Happy Tuesday !

Kim Mailhot said... 6

Have to say I had a hard time getting through the beginning of this post with all the creepy crawlies !!! I am still itching !
Your friend Cookie is lovely and so were the sweet love flowers from your man. May the creepy things get banished quickly ! Happy Tuesday !

Brian Miller said... 7

way to go dr. john...hope your throat feels better...and the creepy crawly's go so you are going to post a pic of the finished product installed?

ellen abbott said... 8

I wish it was cool enough here to walk. By the time I get up, I would have heat stroke if I walked 4 miles. and no, I am not getting up at 5:00 AM.

the flowers are beautiful!

Tabor said... 9

Had to call in the exterminator for the tiny black ants in my kitchen. I could not see where they were getting in and used both spray and traps and neither worked. The exterminator has a nasty poison baited trap and within 24 hours they were all gone. That was weeks ago. Congrats on your anniversary.

La Donna Welter said... 10

A a girls' day out!?!!?!!!?!
I'd LOVE to join you one day! Hugs!!!!

Kristina P. said... 11

I have the creepy crawlies now!

And I could really go for a pedicure.

Maggie May said... 12

Beautiful roses.
The ant problem...... they could be coming in anywhere but if you watch them they will lead you to the place of entry. They come & go in little processions one after the other.
There is something you can buy that they eat & take back to the nest......... then they all die. Over hear it is called NIPPON.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Anonymous said... 13

Stopping by from Keely's. Happy Random Tuesday. Spray around the outside of your house for ants...sometimes that does the trick.

Anonymous said... 14

Stopping by from Keely's. Happy Random Tuesday. Spray around the outside of your house for ants...sometimes that does the trick.

imbeingheldhostage said... 15

Love randomness, hate bugs. We are having war with flying ants that DO have a nest in our house in the wall between the kitchen and the sitting room. Nasty creatures.