
Friday, August 6, 2010

WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Eighteen

Here is canvas number one with some embellishment...

Here is canvas number one with even more embellishments...

Some close ups...

I have a few more things to add and then I will surround the edges with handmade paper instead of a frame.  Then canvas number one will be done.  And canvas number two is almost done as well.  My goal is to complete them both by Sunday...yep...this Sunday.  Then to call Bob and let him know it is finished and schedule an install for next Saturday!!  woohoo!

I am so looking forward to them seeing this in person!  Sure hope they like it!  (a little nervous laugh here)!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

sue ann this is looking really great...cant wait to see it in the paper frames....hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Mimi said... 2

It looks amazing. I didn't realize that you weren't making that for yourself.

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Cindy said... 3

this is just gorgeous, i love the embellishments on it. I really am in awe of all the hours you put into this. I am addicted to the process.
have a great day. take care.

ellen abbott said... 4

I know the feeling!

Magaly Guerrero said... 5

Lovely! I bet you are probably working right now, aren't you? I can't wait to see the pics!