
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Sixty-Five !!!!

Good Morning!!  I am a little behind schedule this AM!  Forgot it was Saturday.  Here are some miscellaneous photos of still life's within my home and garden.

I usually share sunrises with you.  But today...sunsets!!  Enjoy!!

Have a magical and blessed weekend!
Hugging you


ellen abbott said... 1

I'm still awed by how intense your sky is.

Kristina P. said... 2

So pretty! I wish our night sky looked like that.

Bossy Betty said... 3

I enjoyed these! I want to visit the first one!

Friko said... 4

absolutely magnificent. Well worth waiting for.

Sue, I am having real problems downloading not only your pictures but even your blog. But I get most of it in the end and it is always a pleasure to see your great shots.

Cindy said... 5

The photos are so beautiful, love love your skies. This is the first time in a while I have been able to view your blog....maybe blogger issues. hope you are well, thanks for all the lovely comments you leave me, they always mean a lot and make my day. hugs to you.

Brian Miller said... 6

hey sue ann sorry it has taken me all day to leave you a comment...had a beast of a time with your site today...

love the still life...esp that family hamburger joint? what is that from in your home?

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 7

Beautiful Silent Saturday :) Great pics!

Sarah Knight said... 8

Lovely shots!
Hopefully it has been a wonderful weekend!

Maggie May said... 9

Fantastic skies.
I had to smile at the weeds growing from between the paving. I could do a lot of that kind of photo!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

ethelmaepotter! said... 10

Like others, I'm having problems the last few days, but not just with your blog. It HAS to be a Blogger issue.

Love everything, and your sky photos are always amazing, but my favorite of these is the grass growing through the paving stones! Something about the bright light and shadow, the textures, is just mesmerizing. Love it!

Unknown said... 11

The diner clock was fun! Good capture of the sunsets shadows.

SandyCarlson said... 12

Your sunsets are exquisite, big, and inviting!

Shrinky said... 13

I love how you've captured the reflections of the first two on the countertop, and oh my goodness, what vibrant colours your skies have!

Mimi said... 14

What great shots this week!

Hugs & love, Mimi

pinkglitterfae said... 15

hi SueAnn, I dropped by to see some eye candy, and you never fail to deliver. Beautiful photos!
your memorial day post was special too

Anonymous said... 16

What a glorious day! So lovely to jump into your photos and enjoy the freedom of the skies! You share the reason to be grateful off!
Huge hug!

Unknown said... 17

WOW! What an amazing sky. As usual, just beautiful.