
Monday, July 2, 2012

MagPie Tales ~ Entwined!!

Ophelia by Odilon Redon

The image above is used to give us all inspiration this week by Magpie Tales.  Of course, I had to play with this image.  Ha!!


As we lay,
wrapped together.
My arm becomes
his arm.
My heart beats as his.

He sighs
as I enter his dream.
Colors swirling,
Cool breezes run through my hair.
I see him.

We join together
Bodies naked and warm
Waking up

Touching you
touching me

SueAnn @2012

Stop by the Mag and see the other pieces crafted from rich imaginations and creativity.  Thanks for stopping by.

Have a magical and creative day!
Hugging you


Berowne said... 1

Beautiful! (Really)

Brian Miller said... 2 what you did with the is rather like a the sigh as you enter his dreams as well...and nice sensuality there after...smiles...

Tabor said... 3

Your poetry is so lovely. You should do more.

Jinksy said... 4

A delicate interpretation you've given us with your words and pictures this week. :)

Susan Anderson said... 5

I always love what you do with these prompts.


Midlife Roadtripper said... 6

Whoa! I'm tingling. This worked for me.

Anonymous said... 7

touching makes us know

<a href=">where are the koi</a>

Indrani said... 8

Nice effects!

Janny said... 9

I love it;o)

Donna B. said... 10

beautifully written...very nice.

Maggie May said... 11

Wow.... I like that.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

The Artful Diva said... 12

Your edit is inspiring!

hyperCRYPTICal said... 13

Beautifully done - it made me sigh with pleasure.

Anna :o]

Joanna Jenkins said... 14

Nice, nice, nice-- SueAnn. This i lovely.
xo jj

Unspoken said... 15

mmm hmmm, very nice moment caught by you :). One if we are lucky enough to know, we recognize instantly. You are lucky :)!

Anonymous said... 16

equipment finance

Amazing. The painting is spectacular. I'm at loss for words. Well done.