
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Abstract Photography ~

I enjoy this weekly Meme every week...and seeing what others have come up with is exciting!  Please visit Nature Footsteps and check it out!

Here are my offerings...

Have a creative and magical day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

hmmm i kinda like the first one that your rubberband ball as well....looks a pretty good size...sorry it distracted me....we used to have one as kids...

Unknown said... 2

i love the bold colors and patterns. the 2nd abstract is my favorite.

Judy said... 3

And I prefer the third image! Something about the finer lines, I think...

Cindy said... 4

I love the last one, makes me want to get outside. take care.

Maggie May said... 5

I love the colours best of all.
Maggie x

Nuts in May

Anonymous said... 6

I really like these SueAnn!

Queenie Jeannie said... 7

So bright and cheerful!

You have a creative and magical day as well!!!

NatureFootstep said... 8

I have problem chosing any of them over the other.