Had to share...
It has been so cold here....below 10 degrees F.!!! So I thought I would start a fire...
There..so much better!! And this really is my fireplace..we had a fire all weekend! Nice!
Got my nails and toes done last Tuesday...she always does such a nice job! Here is a pic,....
My snowflakes...kind of tame for me but one can only celebrate winter so far!!! Ha!! Toes were done the same way.
So, how is the winter weather treating you? So cold here and so warm back east! Amazing! Mother Nature is definitely Bipolar this year! It has been ten days below 32 degrees F.!!! We received several inches of snow yesterday...had to have my driveway plowed! And today, we brace for another round of freezing ! Sheesh! The good news...we might get over 32 by this weekend! Oh spring...where art thou!?
I redid my mantle and it is definitely unique...not Valentine's Day and not exactly any holiday..Just winter!
It's all about the bleakness of winter...hopes for spring...and a cup of tea!! Ha!!
I am working on the tree now...so next week...pics of that one....it is definitely a Valentine's tree! All pink, red and lacy!! Ha!
Taking a stained glass class and the first one was last Wed.! Forgot to take pics!? So I will this week. We picked out our pattern (a sunrise) and our colors. Then we laid out the pattern and cut it out of the glass we chose. While cleaning the glass, I sliced my thumb real good! Sheesh! Way to go Sue! My classmate, Julie, is a nurse...so she went out into her car and got some gauze and tape. Sigh! Made it hard to work after that; but I managed to finish cutting! So pics coming...next Tuesday!
I have been working on my studio...purging, organizing and straightening! I packed up 6 boxes of supplies that I don't use!!! OMGeeee!! What is left is manageable!! Have two more cupboards to sort through and I will be done! Whew!!
My word for this year is "Complete" and getting my studio back to organized is part of that process. Speaking of my word for the year....Kim Mailhot of Queen of Arts has an ETSY shop and in it she offers painted rocks with words of encouragement upon them, Then she packages them in little porcelain boxes and ships them off to you. She also has rock beings. I know! It sounds kind of lame but it is actually so sweet and just perfect. Give her a shout out and visit her store...she will be thrilled! She is some lady..she has overcome so much and keeps such a sunny attitude!!
My oldest granddaughter, Lisa, turned 24 on Jan. 9th!! Happy Birthday sweetie! And wow....24? How did that happen.
And my youngest grandchild, Lee Jr., turned 14 on the 13th!! And just how did that happen?? Ha! Happy Birthday Lee...!!
Saw a few movies this past week.....Dredd, Pitch Perfect....! Dredd was action packed and pretty lame. Soooo violent and showed details of that violence...pretty graphic! Not recommended for anyone, really!!
Pitch Perfect I saw on Christmas day but saw it again this past week... Such a cute movie and entertaining even the second time around. Definitely recommend!
So get out your popcorn and enjoy!!
I am reading the sweetest book...The Legend of Holly Claus. written by Brittany Ryan. Such a wonderful story. Sweet and sugary! Ha! Recommended for the family. I have it on my Droid! My Kindle reader app...love that too!!
Also reading Sherriyn Kenyon "Born of Night" and Lee Child's "Jack Reacher - Die Trying". Talk about range....Ha! Both are worth the read..I am in the middle of these.
Well, that is my Random for the week...what about you? Have some Randoms??? Share at Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked. Lots of bits and bobs there for sure!
Have a creative and magical week!
Hugging you
Seems like a birthday season. :)
Birthday greetings to your loved ones!
nice...happy birthdays around...i bet the stain glass class is a lot of fun...love stain glass...i like your mantel decor...and that first pic, with the vine creeping in....wow...great shot!!!
I love those little rocks; I used to have one that said "calm" on it to be kept in my pocket; I feel like it sort of worked!
David and I used to do a lot of stained glass. A good slice seems to be part of the intiation ! Good thing you had a good friend there with tape !
Thanks for the shout out about the Etsy shop. Glad you like your word of the year box. I don't think my rocks sounds lame in any way though - they rock my world and many others !
Happy Tuesday !
I always adore your randomness - when I grow up, I wanna be just like you! :)
Love the glowing sky, your mantle decor is always awesome, your manicure is gorgeous, and your grandkids are growing up way too fast! :)
Smash Returns But Doesn’t, More Car Repairs, Phone Bling and The Cups Song: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel
Kim, I am sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. They are definitely wonderful and I enjoy mine so much. A daily reminder of my word and my goals for 2012!!
Thank you for it
ooh la la - snowflake finger nail - so cool!
No matter the weather, you manage to bring some warmth with your colourful images.
Once again, a happily busy week, with art, family, entertainment and good humour.
One question: how do you manage to work with those nails? Or type?
I am having trouble adjusting to dreary winter....I like your bright images
Eeeks! That is so cold!!! Enjoy your toasty fire!
Gorgeous grandkids - lucky lady!
Things are beyond cold here. I'm pretty sure I already lost a few toes. Maybe I need to get my nails done to warm up ;-)
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