1. Before I leave this world, I want to design and decorate a store-front window in NY or Chicago for the Christmas season!
2. I had gastric-by-pass surgery in Feb. of this year and so far have lost 105 lbs.
3. I collect Gene dolls and my granddaughters can't wait to get their hands on them.
4. I am a clutter bug. Every place I go, I leave a pile of stuff. Usually art projects but still...I am just saying....!
5. I haven't worn high heels in over 12 years! And this New Years' eve I will be putting a pair on! Yikes!! Can we say...fall on my face!!
6. I love football and baseball and watch the games all the time. I love the Browns, the Bears, the Cowboys, the Vikings, and the Colts! The Indians and the Red Soxs also have my interest!
7. Magazines and books! I have a huge collection of them and am always fighting to find time to read. I just finished the Twilight series and loved them.
8. I thought I was 5' 5" but was recently measured and I am really 5'3"!!! What's up with that?
9. Can you say, "well endowed"? That's me and I am constantly tripping over my feet because I can't see where my feet are going! Really!!
10. I was diagnosed bi-polar about 6 years ago. Sure helped me make sense of the ups and downs in my life. Medication and counseling has made a huge difference in my life. For the good I might add!
Well there is more about me that you probably wanted to know! LOL! No I need to give this award to 10 bloggers that I admire and follow. I would just like to give it to all of you. I feel like saying, "Everyone, grab this award and run with it!" But I will do my best here and chose 10.
1. Debrina Pratt of Spark your imagination. Amazing works of art!
2. insomniac Ellen of this bittersweet symphony. Wonderful story teller!
3. Eleni of La Femme Readers A true bookaholic!!!
4, Cindy of 12 Tribes A wonderful and refreshing blogger!
5. Kat of 3 Bedroom Bungalow. Pure delight to read!
6. Lyn of Actual Scale. Taking charge of her weight and sharing her journey!!
7. Pam of Art at the Speed of Life. Wonderful artist and working on her first book!!!!!
8. Beth at Be Yourself...Everyone else is Taken. Amazing photographer and writer!
9. Denise of Bella Dreams. Lover of vintage style and flea markets. Great blog!
10. Alix at Casa Hice. Alix is a wonderful teller of tales. Refreshing blogger.
Woohoo! I did it! But like I said earlier, so many bloggers out there who all deserve awards!!
Thanksgiving is officially over! But the leftovers continue. Ah! The curse of them! But now the Christmas season begins and I hit the ground running this year. I did all my shopping on line. Would you believe...I am done! You heard it right...DONE!! I brow beat my grand kids in visiting their favorite on line stores and making a wish list. Then I just shopped from their lists. It was so easy! I had already purchased a special gift for my son and my daughter-in-law. So all gifts are obtained. The only other person I worry about {buy for} is my mom. And I have her taken care of as well.
Then I went and bought some really cool gift bags from Oriental Trading Place; so I am ready to go when the gifts begin to arrive. My biggest task now will be making the gift tags! But that is always fun and I just use my computer.
So, the tree is up in the living room and all gifts are purchased. The Christmas cards are ordered and I even made up matching stamps at Zazzle.com. All I have left to do is make my Christmas vignette in the dining room and put up my pink tree in my bedroom. I know...I said PINK!! With light green ornaments. The tree in my living room is black and I have black, white and silver ornaments for this one. Very cool!
Well, I am off to start my day. Hope you have a magical one!
Hugging you
1. Debrina Pratt of Spark your imagination. Amazing works of art!
2. insomniac Ellen of this bittersweet symphony. Wonderful story teller!
3. Eleni of La Femme Readers A true bookaholic!!!
4, Cindy of 12 Tribes A wonderful and refreshing blogger!
5. Kat of 3 Bedroom Bungalow. Pure delight to read!
6. Lyn of Actual Scale. Taking charge of her weight and sharing her journey!!
7. Pam of Art at the Speed of Life. Wonderful artist and working on her first book!!!!!
8. Beth at Be Yourself...Everyone else is Taken. Amazing photographer and writer!
9. Denise of Bella Dreams. Lover of vintage style and flea markets. Great blog!
10. Alix at Casa Hice. Alix is a wonderful teller of tales. Refreshing blogger.
Woohoo! I did it! But like I said earlier, so many bloggers out there who all deserve awards!!
Thanksgiving is officially over! But the leftovers continue. Ah! The curse of them! But now the Christmas season begins and I hit the ground running this year. I did all my shopping on line. Would you believe...I am done! You heard it right...DONE!! I brow beat my grand kids in visiting their favorite on line stores and making a wish list. Then I just shopped from their lists. It was so easy! I had already purchased a special gift for my son and my daughter-in-law. So all gifts are obtained. The only other person I worry about {buy for} is my mom. And I have her taken care of as well.
Then I went and bought some really cool gift bags from Oriental Trading Place; so I am ready to go when the gifts begin to arrive. My biggest task now will be making the gift tags! But that is always fun and I just use my computer.
So, the tree is up in the living room and all gifts are purchased. The Christmas cards are ordered and I even made up matching stamps at Zazzle.com. All I have left to do is make my Christmas vignette in the dining room and put up my pink tree in my bedroom. I know...I said PINK!! With light green ornaments. The tree in my living room is black and I have black, white and silver ornaments for this one. Very cool!
Well, I am off to start my day. Hope you have a magical one!
Hugging you