
Friday, September 24, 2010

First stop...State Fair!!!

Today is going to be a fabulous day!  Just look at that sunrise?!!!  Thought I would share some State Fair pics!

Nothing says State Fair more than a few blue ribbons and some canned foods!!

And quilts!!  Wow!!

See ya soon!!  Coming at a blog near you...Pumpkin World!!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!

Hugging you


Indrani said... 1

Great shots from the fair. :)

Brian Miller said... 2

oh fun fun...lots of cool things to do at the fair! great pics!

Natasha said... 3

What a visual delight this is. SueAnn.
And can't wait to see your pumpkins.

Lori said... 4

Oh yes, a beautiful sunset to wake up to. And it looks like a fun time at the fair. I hope you have a fantastic Friday! XX

ellen abbott said... 5

What a fun day. Love the quilts.

Sniffles and Smiles said... 6

Wishing I were there with you!!!! Love the old vehicles and the gorgeous quilts!!! And that sunrise is spectacular!!! Love your photos!!! You are so multi-talented, dearest SueAnn!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!! Love, Janine XO

Bossy Betty said... 7

So great! I love the fair, but I can't wait for Pumpkin World! Oh boy!

Joanna Jenkins said... 8

Hi SueAnn-- Fairs are one of my favorite things to explore. I always hit the sewing/quilt displays and the foods-- canning, baking... YUM.

Love your pics. It looks like your Fair is terrific.

Happy weekend. jj

SandyCarlson said... 9

These are utterly gorgeous.

Artsnark said... 10

what fun photos! Looks like a grand day out

ethelmaepotter! said... 11

Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.

You documented the fair in a way I've never imagined. When I think of the state fair, I think of the offensive odors, the crowds, the noise, the hawkers, the rides that were too scary even when I was younger.

Now you make me want to go!!

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 12

Hi SueAnn!
Thank you for the "Welcome Back"! I really appreciate the encouragement! Your photos are gorgeous! The one shot of Pumpkin Prince, looks like he's already black and won't need to be spray painted the way all the crfty bloggers are doing this year!
Happy Fall!

SandyCarlson said... 13

Good to stop by again, my friend.

SandyCarlson said... 14

Good to stop by again, my friend.

Unknown said... 15

I love these photos... isn't there something about everyone getting together at these..