
Friday, September 17, 2010

Old Route 14 to Sante Fe!!

Rt.14 - Madrid, NM

Madrid, NM


Madrid, NM

Art shop...Madrid, NM

Madrid Mining Station

As we traveled to Sante Fe...we took Old Route 14 or The Turquoise Trail!  Know for it's mines for gold and turquoise.  We come upon Madrid, NM.    An old mining town now artist community.  All the original buildings are still in existence.

This particular town was very famous.  Walt Disney used this town to try out his new ideas.  Christmas lights for the outdoors.  Pilots used to fly their planes over this area just to show their passengers the lights in the nighttime sky!!   Madrid still lights up the night!!  It is not as big a display as days of old but still something to see.

Madrid is the perfect place to go to do your Christmas shopping!!  There are probably about 100 to 150 artists who live and work here.  It is really something to see.  They even have a working Saloon complete with stage where musicians and actors perform.

Also along the way is Golden, New Mexico.  Known obviously for the gold they discovered within the mountains there.  They have an original adobe church which sits up on a hill.  So beautiful!!

Golden, NM

rock formation outside Madrid

Hope you enjoy the pics.  Have a magical and blessed day!!

Hugging you


Hilary said... 1

Wow, SueAnn. Madrid looks like my kind of place. I'd love to explore a town like that. Thanks to you, I feel like I have.

Judy said... 2

Looks like a really neat place to take pictures or just walk around...

Lori said... 3

What an amazing place...I could visit for a good week and explore such a place...I enjoyed the pictures and love seeing your part of the world. Hope you and yours have fabulous weekend. XX

Maggie May said... 4

I was thinking Madrid..... Spain (Europe) and I thought Nope...... thats not Madrid. Then I realised that America has its own of everything! So I like your own (very different) Madrid!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Kristina P. said... 5

This is exactly how I have always pictures New Mexico!

Velvet Over Steel said... 6

What a cool place for these artist to live and have their studios and businesses. I would Love to do my Christmas shopping there!!

Have a wonderful weekend, SueAnn!


Brian Miller said... 7

what a neat place...i like the town...and it has the feel of older days...and that rock formation is really cool!

christina said... 8

i love these photos!
wondering if this was the madrid, portrayed in the movie "wild hogs" an adorable comedy. : )

Bossy Betty said... 9

Love the landscape AND the architecture too!! Thanks for this adventure!

Mimi said... 10

It looks magical! I can't wait until we retire & can travel all over in our motor home.

Hugs & love,

Magaly Guerrero said... 11

How big is that rock formation? If it is big enough, it would be a dream to climb.

The stores look wonderful; hope you got something colorful and fun for yourself!

Cindy said... 12

Thanks for coming by my place - you are so faithful!! Loved taking your vacation with you through your pics...

Olive said... 13

Hi SueAnn -- These pictures are so enticing. I am making major note for future travels of this wonderful spot!

Unknown said... 14

I would so love to visit there.
How fascinating.

You see with a good soul. That's for certain.

Unknown said... 15

Grate church and cool rock, thanks for sharing your trip.
