
Monday, March 26, 2012

It's all in the toes!!!

Yessirree!!  All about the toes and getting pedicures.  Ahhh!  Bliss!!

I love getting relaxing.  The only problem I have with it is that I am so darn ticklish!!  Ha!!
This time I picked spring blue for my color and she put one flower on my big toe.  I love it!!

My dream?  To walk on new mown Kentucky Blue grass in my bare feet.  A martini in one hand and a large juicy olive in the other.  Feet are happy and so am I!!

Pedicure party hosted by My Five Men...what a nice way to start out spring!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

ha. i hope you get that dream....nice toes sueann! smiles...

Bossy Betty said... 2

Love your dream! I will join you in it!

This is Belgium said... 3

ha ha !
greetings from brussels

Magpie said... 4

Hey, that dream sounds like fun. I'm enjoying all of Betsy's entries.

Betsy Brock said... 5

Oh I love them! Beautiful blue! It's so popular right now! And the flower is the perfect accent! I'm so glad you joined in! It' too cold here for bare feet or sandals today! That warm weather was just a tease! ha.

Thanks so much, SueeAnn and good lucky in the giveaway!

Maggie May said... 6

Now that has made me so self-conscious about my ugly feet!
Beautiful as they are!!!!!!! Yours, not mine!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Christine said... 7

Now that is a great color!
I need to think outside the color box!
I'm ticklish also.

jennyfreckles said... 8

I love the flower - must try that on mine sometime.

Janice said... 9

That spring blue is marvelous!

Martha said... 10

Turquoise toes! Perfect for a New Mexico spring. :)

I had to look up Sandia Park. It's been a few years since we drove down the mountain and around those hairpin turns with a vehicle that wanted to turn off every time we rounded a curve. I think we were all trying not to think about what might happen if the driver, my husband, lost total control. We somehow made it back tot he highway and a little gas station/convenience store where the truck died and refused to start again. (True story-

Unknown said... 11

Love the blue! And it won't be long before the grass is thick enough to walk barefoot through..

Martha said... 12

I put my bare feet into the grass here in upstate NY just s few days ago. Mmm! Felt so good, but now it is cold again and I think I will wait until the warm comes back before I venture too far without shoes.

No, New Mexico grass just isn't quite the same as the grass here int he east.

SandyCarlson said... 13

You inspire me to do something with my tootsies! Great stuff.

Hilary said... 14

My feet just spontaneously kicked off their shoes and socks!

Michael said... 15

Wow, i really like how you did the big toenail in particular. Does sit make you feel light and airy? fun.