Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Random Tuesday....Seriously!!!
Today is my BiRtHdAy !!!! WooHoo!! And I plan on celebrating with style and grace. My friends Jodi and Cheri are taking me out to lunch after a visit to the tattoo parlor (now what could happen there?). Then Dr. John is taking me out to Red Lobster so I can have my favorite all time meal...LOBSTER TAIL!! Yummy!! And he is buying me an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins!!
I love love love ice cream and an ice cream cake is the best. Of course, I can only eat a little but that is okay. I will love it all the same.
My grandson and granddaughter where here for three weeks!! We had a blast. I showed you pics of my granddaughter but not of my grandson, Lee Jr. He went to theater camp and loved it. They performed two plays last Saturday night.
Lee has the green hat on!! His teacher is in the doorway and the boy in the crazy wig is Wyatt and he is Lee's new summer friend.
He is quite the ham and loves the theater! Gee! I wonder where he is headed in his life??? Hmmmm! Ha!
My son and the rest of the family came in on Friday night and were here all weekend! Busy? Yes!!!! Happy? Definitely!!
Took them all for manicures and pedicures and lunch on Saturday!! The Nail Salon loved us!!! Even my son got a pedicure! His first and he loved the massaging chairs. I do too!! Everyone looked beautiful when we were all finished. What fun!!
Happy Feet and Hands........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Well, I am on day nine of Jury Duty and have yet to see the inside of the court room!! HA! The only problem with this is I don't know from day to day if I will be called or not. I have to check online at 5:30PM each evening to see if my number has been called for the following day!!! Bummer! So I can't make any plans until the evening. What a crock! Just call my number for the week and be done with it I say! This is ridiculous!!
My large screen television died!! Do you hear taps???? It was so sad! We had smoke and smell and everything. She went out in style! Ten years old she was! Ten years!! WTH? What happen to 20 years and counting?? It was a rear screen projection TV and the lamps blew! Hence the smoke!! And to replace the lamps would cost me $1200.00?!?!?! So we had to shop for new TV!!
Can you say sticker shock! The new flat screen TV cost us $1400.00...but you need a sound system with these babies so that was $600.00!!! And then you need specialized cables to make sure you get HD from your Satellite or Cable! And you need a stand ($300.00) or you can have it installed on the wall ($350.00) and then you still need a piece of furniture to put your DVD player and receivers. Oh! And the thingy to hold the TV on the wall is $300.00!! Sheesh! We chose the furniture stand...easier all the way around. So, $3200.00 later....we will be getting the new solid gold TV (HA) on Wednesday as long as I don't have jury duty!! Oh joy! Then if I do; we will get the TV delivered on Friday so Dr. John can be here. He is out on Wednesday!
She will be pretty!! We got an LG 52 inch!! woohoo!! Baseball games here we come!!
Still doing my walking every morning! Going for three miles today. Wish me luck!!
Well, I am off to celebrate my birthday!! I am now officially 61 years young. I am impressed! You all have a magical and blessed day! Thanks so much for stopping by...I really appreciate you and your comments. They make my day complete!
Hugging you
PS. Don't forget to stop by The UnMom (Keeley) and check out her randomness and see others as well!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
It is time!!! The Tea Party has begun!!!
I hope you have marked your calendars because the Tea Party is here...that is right!! TODAY!!! Well I am a little early; but I couldn't resist. So many goodies!! Interesting guests!! Could you delay? I think not! Someone has come to lead the way. It is Terence, the canary and he is sitting in his special Tea Party swing!
He has been singing all morning! And if you look very closely, you will see the key. Oh boy! We are ready to go! Come on along!! Through the garden....
Filled with such fragrant flowers and colors galore to delight the eyes. Perfect for a garden party, don't you think? And we have guests...
Sarah, our breast cancer survivor and wearing such a beautiful dress in shades of blue. She is celebrating today for she has just finished her treatments and so far has a clean bill of health. We are all glad she could make the party!! We celebrate with her!!!! Oh we have another guest as well...
Princess Sylvia has come and she is already reaching for some goodies. She is wearing shades of blue as well. Must be the color of the season. Princess Sylvia has a secret but she said I could share. She is getting married soon to the Prince of France!! They were pen pals for the longest time and met in person about one year ago. It was love at first sight. Now a festive wedding is planned and we are all invited. Oh what a magical day this has become!!!! And look at all the wonderful treats....
Oh my!! I am drooling here! I don't know which to try first???!!! Princess Sylvia wants to start with some cupcakes and Sarah wants to cut into the cake. I think Sarah should go first, don't you?? Oh! Lest I forget!! There are some other guests who couldn't quite make it today. They will be so disappointed for they so planned on being here!
But as you can see, they haven't hatched yet. Hehehehe!!! And we have more friends who are just now arriving!!
Lady Primrose is peering through the Looking Glass and tiny Tina has brought us some flowers and some wine. How sweet of her. I hope Lady Primrose can drag herself away to come to the Tea Party and partake of some tea and cake!!??!!
With all the festivities, I forgot to give you our hostesses address. Vanessa at Fanciful Twist has outdone herself again. She is having this blog-wide party and her party alone is worth a visit!! A treat for all your senses. And there you will find a list of other parties to attend. Oh you must go! This is just too much fun!!
Have I forgotten anyone? Oh I hope not! That would be so sad. I leave you so that I may attend some other parties. And I don't want to be late! All the tea and cakes will be eaten and that would be a tragedy for sure!!!
Thanks ever so much for coming by and please leave a note. We so much would love to hear from you.
Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Ten
Kind of an overcast day today. And I wasn't called in for jury duty. Woohoo!! So I was able to get some extreme photos of the sculpture in progress. First, canvas one so far...still more to do on it...
These are very close photos showing some of the details in the piece. Still have more items to add...so there will be more photos of canvas number one soon.
Canvas number two is still in the back of the studio and I couldn't get a good shot of the whole piece. But I got some good closeups of the handmade paper that will go under the tubes. When the tubes go on, all you will see is a little of this. Right now it looks extreme. Here ya go...
On the floor is the handmade paper that I made that will go on the top of this one. The gold flecks you see are not really golden...they are pieces of papaya leaves and the flash made them appear golden. Now that I have totally confused you. Or at least sparked your interest. More to follow.
Have a blessed and magical day!!
Hugging you,
These are very close photos showing some of the details in the piece. Still have more items to add...so there will be more photos of canvas number one soon.
Canvas number two is still in the back of the studio and I couldn't get a good shot of the whole piece. But I got some good closeups of the handmade paper that will go under the tubes. When the tubes go on, all you will see is a little of this. Right now it looks extreme. Here ya go...
On the floor is the handmade paper that I made that will go on the top of this one. The gold flecks you see are not really golden...they are pieces of papaya leaves and the flash made them appear golden. Now that I have totally confused you. Or at least sparked your interest. More to follow.
Have a blessed and magical day!!
Hugging you,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Random Tuesday ....And then some!!!
If you all remember, I have my two youngest grandchildren (Lee Jr. and Georgia) staying with me! And we are having a blast. I told them that I wanted to make another sheet of handmade paper and they could help. They sort of groaned. But, they dutifully followed me out back. They really got into it and loved the fact that we could get pretty wet as well. We all got wet...some from the papermaking process and others from squirting the hose at themselves and others!! Ha!! Another sheet of paper drying in the sun!! woot!!
I feel for my DIL!! I have had to do the laundry everyday!! And she has five kids to deal with so I am sure she has several loads a day to do! Whew!
Took the kids shopping for school! Polo shirts...check! Khaki pants...check! Socks, undies...check! Bras...check!! Camis...check! Bathing suits...oh well...Ha!...check! (Got to look good in the hot tub you know!) Tennis shoes...check! Gwen Stefani purse..check ( sigh ). Belts...check! Credit card...American Express....(tilt)..check!!
Finally got my tomato plants planted. Two in the back garden area and two in the Topsy Turvy planter. Getting them into the planter was a bit of a trick; but the three of us ( Lee Jr., myself and Dr. John) got them in there. I supervised!! Ha! So far they are not dead! Watering them is dicey but doable. They are only 6 inches long and no flowers yet. I don't hold out hope for these. Our growing season is short to begin with and this year....really shortened!!! Sigh!!! We also planted a pumpkin plant. Don't ask me!? Dr. John got it!
Weight loss update....down 143 lbs.!!! Woot!! Woot!!! And still walking two miles a day...well almost every day. I go early in the morning to beat the heat. Georgia has been walking with me!! That has made it fun! My goal is to work up to 4 miles by summer end. Whew! Wish me luck!
Lee Jr.'s play is this Saturday. Jack and Jill and the Beanstalk! Jill is Jack's sister! Don't ask me!! Ha! Lee got the lead role...he is Jack! He already knows all of his lines and everyone else's as well. He has memorized the entire play. I know...he is brilliant!! His mom and dad and his middle sister are coming in on Thursday night and will be here for the play. Then mom and dad will take all the kids home on Sunday afternoon. I will crash on Monday!!!
Jury duty started for me on Monday! So far, my number hasn't been called. I have been nervous about driving downtown so John took me down there and showed me where to go. Feeling better about it now. Beautiful building!
Georgia and I have been working on the fiber piece and the second canvas is 1/3 done! I will be posting pics on Wednesday of Thursday. Also work on canvas number one is almost completed. Just some finishing touches.
Georgia also took pictures when she and Dr. John went to the Crest. Here are some of her pics!!
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Make sure and visit The UnMom and see what random randomness she has come up with. Many others join in too. Give it a whirl...lots of fun!!
Have a magical and blessed day!! Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed the coffee!?!
Hugging you
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Silent Saturday ~ Part Twenty
Dr. John and my granddaughter, Georgia Rose visited the Sandia Crest!! Here are some of the pictures that they took. Nice work too!!
As you can see; they had quite the time of it!! Hope you enjoyed the tour of the Crest. It is part of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Ten minutes from my house!! What a view!!
Have a wonderful Fathers' Day weekend!!
May it be magical and blessed!!
Hugging you
As you can see; they had quite the time of it!! Hope you enjoyed the tour of the Crest. It is part of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Ten minutes from my house!! What a view!!
Have a wonderful Fathers' Day weekend!!
May it be magical and blessed!!
Hugging you
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Random Tuesday....Here we go again!!

Well, my sweet dear friends! So good to see you again! This is a momentous day. My 200th post!!!! Wow! That is pretty impressive. So to celebrate that I am going to have a giveaway!! More about that in my next post. But it will be a print from Diane Duda!! Her work is so whimsical! I will post pics of the print and a sign up next time!!
Let me see how Random I can get this time around. Georgia (my 14 year old granddaughter) has been staying with me; along with her eleven year old brother, Lee Jr. She has been helping me with my fiber sculpture! Yesterday, however, we spent 4 hours at a glass class and we had a blast. Here are some pics...
Georgia and her work!
Close up of Georgia's work!
Close up of mine!
I this class, we were to cut out shapes in differing colors (or same) and layer them. The pieces Georgia and I created will be pendants for necklaces. The layers will melt and mix together. Then we need to sand them and attach a bezel so that we can add a chain. Looking forward to how they turn out. Find out on Thursday.
Dr. John took Georgia up the mountain to take pics and visit the mountain gift shop. The mountain is called Sandia Crest! It is over 10,000 feet above sea level. Had to share some pics...
Well share one pic of Dr. John getting ready to take some close ups. I will share the mountain top pics in another post. Still editing them. Both Georgia and Dr. John took over 200 photos each!! Whew! A lot to edit!!!!
Georgia had dark blond hair and wanted it to be brighter. So I bleached out her hair and this is what we got.
As you can see, she is gorgeous and also, she loves her hair. I was going to tone it down some; but she wanted it bright!!! So she is now a bright blond beauty!!
You know I have been on a campaign to get a larger studio. Dr. John posted how he was not against me getting a larger studio! He just didn't know how we could do it! Sigh! Anyway, some of your wanted to see my crowded studio so I took some pics.....!
As you can see...quite crowded. In the foreground in the fiber sculpture canvas number one. In the background, on the left is canvas number two. On the right is the handmade paper stacked up. The rest is miscellaneous supplies and such. Packed to the rafters I am. I think one way to go is to get a storage shed to put all the misc. supplies in. That would free up some room and I could move around better. More to come later.
Hey! I got two new babies to add to my ever growing doll collection. I call them the twins. I am not too sure about their story, but I thought they were adorable. I am researching them. What do you think?
Aren't they the cutest ever??!!
I got a blog award from Eddie Bluelights of Clouds and Silvery Linings!! Thanks Eddie...you are the best. If you have never visited his blog...you are missing out on a real treat. He does a feature every Sunday called the Sunday Roast. What fun it is. He pics a blog and asks the blogger to answer some insightful and amusing questions. Stop by his blog and give a shout out!!
As with any award, there are a series of questions that Eddie posed for me to answer. So here we go...
1. Do you write blog posts to please yourself or please your audience?
I can say honestly that I do it for both. Myself and my audience!!
2. What do you consider your best way to interact with your fellow bloggers?
Best way I know of is to visit their blogs and leave comments. I love getting to know them and see what they are up too. There are many that I follow on a regular basis. I consider them to be dear friends.
3. If you were starting your blog again, would you do something radically different?
No! I like the way my blog has naturally evolved.
4. What is the most significant thing in your life to date?
I would say my Gastric ByPass Surgery for sure! It has changed my life for the better!!
5. Would you like to appear on the Sunday Roast program?
I have already and it was fabulous! Thank you Eddie!!
6. What do you like to do in your free time? And will the pretty ladies have dinner with me tonight?
In my free time??? When is that?? HA! I guess it would be to catch up with all my grandkids. What they are up too and who they have crushes on. Things like that! Also I read! So that is always a treat to be able to read some of my books. I have quite a collection. I also watch baseball games on TV...I am a big Cleveland Indians fan and a Boston Red Sox fan!! I am a Boston fan because they have drafted several of the Cleveland players!! Sigh!!
7. If you could go back in time, which event would be of most interest to you and why?
Jane Fonda laughing it up with the Vietnamese while our POW's lay starving and beaten in nearby camps. I would have voiced my disgust with her actions much more strongly and called her on the carpet for her ridiculous and un-American actions. I would have done more to welcome home the Vets and made them feel welcome. Our men and boys served gallantly and they deserved respect and honor and were treated so badly. I would have done more to rectify this...at least done a better job of doing my part!!!
8. Are you addicted to blogging? Do you think it is addictive or can you take it or leave it?
I don't know about addiction...but I love blogging. I look forward to comments on my blog and I also love seeing what my fellow bloggers have been doing and what they have to say. Is that addicted?? Ha!
9. Which person on the planet Earth, past or present, do you admire most and why?
Jesus and Mother Theresa! For obvious reasons...selfless until their deaths. Mother Theresa commited her life to serving others and did her best to encourage us to follow in her footsteps in some part. I have yet to be able to do so...she was amazing! Jesus not only served others...He gave His life for all of us. That is something that is still hard to fathom. But I am glad He did it!!
10. When life is over do you think it is curtains or is there an afterlife?
Oh an afterlife for sure!!! I believe this is only the beginning. We have much more in store for us...an eternity of being that person we were designed to be. I will have the most fabulous art studio!! I plan on being able to write plays, poetry, take photos, sculpt, paint and such for ever!!! I have written several plays and had them performed. I miss doing that! And I love the idea of having unlimited time to create!! Woohoo!! Come on afterlife!!
Make sure to pop over to UnMom and do your Random Tuesday link up. You know you want too!!
Sorry! This is longer than I figured. But Eddie was so gracious to give this award to me, I felt I needed to address it today before I forgot about it. Thanks again Eddie! I loved his questions and I ask you all to take this award and answer these questions. I am dying to hear your answers!!
Have a blessed and magical day!!
Hugging you
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