
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Random Tuesday....Seriously!!!

Today is my BiRtHdAy !!!!  WooHoo!!  And I plan on celebrating with style and grace.  My friends Jodi and Cheri are taking me out to lunch after a visit to the tattoo parlor (now what could happen there?).  Then Dr. John is taking me out to Red Lobster so I can have my favorite all time meal...LOBSTER TAIL!!  Yummy!!  And he is buying me an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins!!

I love love love ice cream and an ice cream cake is the best.  Of course, I can only eat a little but that is okay.  I will love it all the same.

My grandson and granddaughter where here for three weeks!!  We had a blast.  I showed you pics of my granddaughter but not of my grandson, Lee Jr.  He went to theater camp and loved it.  They performed two plays last Saturday night.

Lee has the green hat on!!  His teacher is in the doorway and the boy in the crazy wig is Wyatt and he is Lee's new summer friend.

He is quite the ham and loves the theater!  Gee!  I wonder where he is headed in his life???  Hmmmm!  Ha!

My son and the rest of the family came in on Friday night and were here all weekend!  Busy?  Yes!!!!  Happy?  Definitely!!

Took them all for manicures and pedicures and lunch on Saturday!!  The Nail Salon loved us!!!  Even my son got a pedicure!  His first and he loved the massaging chairs.  I do too!!  Everyone looked beautiful when we were all finished.  What fun!!

Happy Feet and Hands........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Well, I am on day nine of Jury Duty and have yet to see the inside of the court room!!  HA!  The only problem with this is I don't know from day to day if I will be called or not.  I have to check online at 5:30PM each evening to see if my number has been called for the following day!!!  Bummer!  So I can't make any plans until the evening.  What a crock!  Just call my number for the week and be done with it I say!  This is ridiculous!!

My large screen television died!!  Do you hear taps????  It was so sad!  We had smoke and smell and everything.  She went out in style!  Ten years old she was!  Ten years!!  WTH?  What happen to 20 years and counting??  It was a rear screen projection TV and the lamps blew!  Hence the smoke!!  And to replace the lamps would cost me $1200.00?!?!?!  So we had to shop for new TV!!

Can you say sticker shock!  The new flat screen TV cost us $1400.00...but you need a sound system with these babies so that was $600.00!!!  And then you need specialized cables to make sure you get HD from your Satellite or Cable!  And you need a stand ($300.00) or you can have it installed on the wall ($350.00) and then you still need a piece of furniture to put your DVD player and receivers.  Oh!  And the thingy to hold the TV on the wall is $300.00!!  Sheesh!  We chose the furniture stand...easier all the way around.  So, $3200.00 later....we will be getting the new solid gold TV (HA) on Wednesday as long as I don't have jury duty!!  Oh joy!  Then if I do; we will get the TV delivered on Friday so Dr. John can be here.  He is out on Wednesday!

She will be pretty!!  We got an LG 52 inch!!  woohoo!!  Baseball games here we come!!

Still doing my walking every morning!  Going for three miles today.  Wish me luck!!

Well, I am off to celebrate my birthday!!  I am now officially 61 years young.  I am impressed!  You all have a magical and blessed day!  Thanks so much for stopping by...I really appreciate you and your comments.  They make my day complete!

Hugging you

PS.  Don't forget to stop by The UnMom (Keeley) and check out her randomness and see others as well!!


Joanie said... 1

Happy birthday Sue Ann! Enjoy your day (and get a Lobsterita for me!)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 2

Happy Birthday dear SueAnn. Sounds to me like your life is very good - and that's the best gift of all!

Rachele Bennett said... 3

Have a Wonderful Birthday. Post pics of your new tattoo. I'm more a crab legs gal but enjoy your Lobster AND Ice cream cake.

Diandra said... 4

Happy birthday! Have fun!

Jenn said... 5

Happy Birthday!!!

Brian Miller said... 6

happy happy happy birthday!
happy happy happy birthday!
happy happy happy birthday!
2 u 2 u 2 u!

hope you have an amazing brithday and enjoy that lunch...looks like you had fun with the kiddos as well...

Natasha said... 7

Another June birthday.

Have a wonderful day, and an even more wonderful year.

WhisperWood Cottage said... 8

Happy 61, SueAnn! Enjoy your lobster and ice cream cake! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Maggie May said... 9

Happy Birthday. Have a good feast!
Love your nails and all the photos are really good.Like the little foot in your hand.......
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Bossy Betty said... 10

Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!!

Indrani said... 11

Wish you a very happy birthday!
Hugs! :)

Unknown said... 12

Birthday wishes to you ,SueAnn
and your randomness makes me all smiley inside and out.

hope you had a good walk , and enjoy the dinner and ice cream cake.

CiCi said... 13

Best wishes for a wonderful birthday. Hope the lobster is delicious.

beth said... 14

the happiest of birthdays to you sweetie....i hope it's just the best one ever !

SandyCarlson said... 15

Happy Birthday, my friend! You sure know how to do it up right! I am glad you had such a great time.

Your grandson is a doll, too. What a beautiful family.

ellen abbott said... 16

Oh, happy happy day SueAnn! (Whew, I barely made it!)

I hope it was a wonderful day today.

Jennie said... 17

Happy Birthday! I hope you're day is filled with as much energy and joy as you bring each of us with your blog.

Best wishes and high hopes to you,

Joanna Jenkins said... 18

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day and a wonderful lobster dinner! (It's my fave meal too!)

And mani/pedi is always so relaxing. Glad your grandson enjoyed the massage too.

Cheers, jj

Unknown said... 19

Happy birthday SueAnn, I hope you have a great day.
Sorry to hear about the TV dying, I know that can be tramatic, but sounds like you rebounded nicely.
Enjoy your ice cream.

Judy said... 20

How about present of greeting cards is timed perfectly...I printed them, now will let them sit for a bit...assemble them and put them in the mail...Happy Happy Happy birthday...

imbeingheldhostage said... 21

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Yes, I am shouting :-) We're both June babies, THAT's why you're so creative. I'm so glad you're having a great day-- eat some extra lobster tail for me please.

Carole said... 22

well first Happy Birthday!!!! sounds like your doing it up just right! love the nails. I think I need a manicure for sure.
Laughed when you talked about your tv...ours was almost 20yrs old and for the last couple it had this odd round glow around it but after 5 minutes I hardly noticed it. We pd only about $600 for a new one just about what we pd for the old one 20 yrs ago and it's twice as big and 10 times clearer.

I have jury duty rescheduled for February 2011 but I'm going to have to get out of it.....but playing hooky from work would be fun! good luck with yours.
sorry for the long comment but I'm making up for lost time:))

Unknown said... 23

Gratulerer med dagen! (Norwegian) = congratulation with your day! Sounds like a grate day. Spending it with people you love in places you like.


Boozy Tooth said... 24

Gurrrrl... you are ROCKING that manicure! Day-um.

Happy happy birthday. Pull out all the stops and celebrate. Have your cake and eat it too - in the jury selection room... and don't share a bite. Serves 'em right for making you stick to the phone on your big day.

Your grandson is a doll baby. I just LOVE when kids are happy. It's a rare thing these days... my neighborhood is full of shifty little weedheads that I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw. And they sulk around like they're ready to leap off the ledge. What a joy to have a grandson who is actually enjoying being a kid.

I hear ya about the sticker shock of those big screens! They are amazing, but you need to sell body parts just to afford them. Have you seen the new LED tvs? Don't. You'll just want one and because it's the newest most mind-blowing technology, they have to charge you three times what LCDs cost. No worries tho. The price will come down just as the next big thing that we want can't afford is rolled out.

Post some birthday pics... promise! I want one of you in front of a vat of ice cream!

Love, love, love you girlfriend. Party on!

pchickki said... 25

What a fun day!
Happy Birthday Sweetie ")

Victorian Lady said... 26

Sounds like you had a GREAT birthday! So glad! You deserve it! :)


*jean* said... 27

ooo happy belated birthday!!!

Hilary said... 28

What a fine collection of thoughts and events. A belated Happy Birthday to you. You share the date with one of my favourite people.. my younger son.

Unknown said... 29

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!!

Oh my! I am soo late. How fun to watch your grandson perform. I am impressed that he is not afraid to get up in front of a crowd at such a young age. Good for him!

The spa looks just decadent. I love getting pedicures. They tickle sometimes though when they scrub the bottoms of my feet. (tee hee :)

The new TV looks beautiful and hopefully lasts longer than 10 years this time. How did the 3 mile walk go? I imagine it went very well. You are a determined lady. :)

Sending hugs and belated happy birthday wishes.
