
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random Tuesday....Again?


Another sheet of handmade paper dried and in my studio!  I am running out of room!  I told Dr. John that I need a bigger studio.  He just sighed!!  Guess that means, no! 

Grandkids are here and we are having a blast.  Lee Jr. is attending theater camp and Georgia is helping me with my fiber sculpture.  I will be taking be prepared.   We are also going to do a baseball game (local team...the Isotopes).  And we will be going to see Cirque Du Soleil!!  They asked me if there will be clowns...they are afraid of clowns!  Go figure!  With all the elaborate costumes and make up, we may be in for a traumatizing evening!!!  Oh dear!

So far I have planted some lily's and some decorative grasses and the black gopher has not shown his ugly ittle head yet.  Whew!  I also have not planted our Topsy Turvy Tomato plants yet.  Will be doing that this week...we just ran out of time.

I have all these cool pictures of my grandkids on my phone, right?  And I hook it up to the computer to download them so I could share with all of you, right?  Then why won't it let me download my pics?  It used too!  Now it allows the first screen to come up and then it shuts itself down.  No download!!!???  Any suggestions?  They are really great pics.

Georgia stuffed those sculptural tubes for me yesterday and we had stuffing everywhere.  Couch, living room floor, her pants...even her hair!!  But she was a great sport about it!  And just laughed.  Took about an hour to clean it all up.  I told you I ran out of space in my studio!  I am now using the living room too.  So I can't leave anything out.  Everything needs to be cleaned up and put away or it makes for a miserable evening for all of us.  I really need a bigger studio!!

Soon with pics!!!  Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

so will you be my gramma too? smiles. sounds like you are in for some fun...

Stacy Uncorked said... 2

It does sound like you need a bigger studio! Maybe you should leave the stuff in the living room as a hint to your hubby... ;)

RTT: Stylin', Rats, Frogs and Princss Nagger

Cajoh said... 3

What kind of computer do you have? If you have a Macintosh, you can use iPhoto to download your photos. If you have a Windows computer, you can use Picassa.

Can't wait to see the photos of all your projects you're working on.

Happy RTT!

Sarah Knight said... 4

You sound like an awesome grandma : )

I love hilarious sports team names, I can only hope the isotopes have a mascot... I'm picturing an atom costume, very Jetsons.

Best of luck with the artwork, although, of course, luck has nothing to do with it really. So, best wishes with the assembly, installation, and display, which surely will be wonderful!
: )

CiCi said... 5

I am interested in the stuffing the tubes photos. Glad you are enjoying time with your grandkids.

McGillicutty said... 6

Should we start a campaign for you to get a bigger studio.. i have probs with downloads sometimes too... very flustrating!

Kristina P. said... 7

Cirque Du Soleil is awesome! Have a great time.

Bossy Betty said... 8

Sounds like you are having action-packed AND creative days! Enjoy the Cirque Du Soleil!

ellen abbott said... 9

Have you tried emailing the pictures to yourself and then saving them?

My studio often spills out into the house.

Have fun with the g'kids.

Anonymous said... 10

I know how important sharing our grandchildren are.. oh man!
Yes, I would send them to your email and save as:..
then upload.

My studio at present is a mess?.. or just over crowed?.. or what is the difference..?.. LAUGHING.
Stretch your wings and fly!

Bernie said... 11

How blessed are your grandchildren to have such wonderful grandparents........:-) Hugs

Allison @ House of Hepworths said... 12

Sounds like you are having a great time!

Clowncar said... 13

oooohhh...minor league baseball! we are big fans. we are going to see the sky sox play the 51s on fathers day. Our youngest is scared, not of clowns, but of mascots. we actually have to shield her from Sox the Fox.

Hilary said... 14

Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff planned.. Cirque du Soleil.. how cool. Looking forward to your photos. Hopefully your computer and phone will cooperate.

Cindy said... 15

Sounds like you are having a fabulous time. have been thinking about you. take care.

Indrani said... 16

That sounds like loads and loads of fun.
Looking forward for the pics.

Magaly Guerrero said... 17

Working with the youngsters! How lovely. I'm sure the product will be fabulous, for when love and dedication meet the result is usually a miracle.


Kim Mailhot said... 18

Sounds like you are having a busy and creative time, Sue Ann. Enjoy !

SandyCarlson said... 19

Awesome fun your way! Wow. I hope the cirque is a pleasure, not a plague for the grandkids.

All of your fiber arts projects inspire me to log off and go explore.

Good luck with the pix. I have no idea how phone cameras work.

Janny said... 20

Great post, I love to see the pictures of your grandchildren but also from your stuffed studio ;o)

WhisperWood Cottage said... 21

You are one busy lady! So many fun things going on!!


Anonymous said... 22

Thank you for the lovely comment you left for me.
I hope you are enjoy this precious time w/the grandchildren and get those photos uploaded..
I wanna see!

Joanna Jenkins said... 23

Sounds like lots of fun at grandma's house!

Anonymous said... 24

I HATE it when phones do that... I have no solutions either!!

Fingers crossed you will soon get your bigger studio!

przhym said... 25

Dr John says that the sigh doesn't mean no, it just means he's trying to figure out how to come up with the money! I would like a bigger studio too!