
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Random Tuesday....By golly! We did it!!

Christmas has come and now it is gone!  Wow!  On December the 23rd...I got a stomach flu/virus!!  Oh joy!  I almost didn't make it to Gallup to celebrate with the family.  I struggled...but made it through!  Then Dr. John was blessed with this very same virus while we where there!!  Oh dear!  To say we had a time of it is an understatement!  So far, no one in Gallup has received this wonderful occurrence.  Whew!!  
I spite of it all, I had a wonderful time.  I so love my family and being with them is such a blessing to us both.
When I told them I was sick, they were going to pack up Christmas and bring it to me.  Aren't they the sweetest?

Here are some candid shots of the special day....

Emma and her love...the Steelers!!!

Lee Sr., Ginger, Cassie (with boots) and Lee Jr.

gift of the day!!


As you can see, fun was had by all.  But the winner for the largest gift is Lee Jr. and boy was he surprised!!

Gramps and Grams go him a new 24" Mongoose All Terrain Bike!  This is for Christmas and his birthday, which is Jan 13th!!  To say he was excited is an understatement!  Lee Jr. said that Dr. John could use his bike when he visited us!  Too sweet!

Cassie and Emma showing off their new outfits and boots!!

Check out those boots!!

Random sunrise...

Went to Cracker Barrel yesterday and I really couldn't eat.  Still recovering!!  Ha!  But they had a 60% off sale on all their Christmas items........SCORE!!  I was able to pick up several Christmas ornaments and such for next year.  Yes!!!  Gifts for giving!  So I won't show the pics.

My kids gave me three large Alice in Wonderland posters!!  Bliss!!   I loved the movie and the posters are amazing!  Now to frame them and find a place to display.  That is always a problem in an artists' wall space.

Semi-big plans for New Years' Eve.  Going out to Pauls' Monterey for dinner.   Best steak house in Albuquerque!!  Our reservations are early ( 5PM ).  We may all do a movie or go to one of my friends' houses for cocktails and snacks!   Being out on the roads after 11PM is kind of a scary proposition.  So we will probably stay nearer home later in the evening.  What are your plans??  Quiet celebration or a hearty party?

I purchased the most amazing dress to wear for New Years' and for Dr. John's company Christmas/Holiday party.  It is a deep red velvet and it is full length!  It is from a company called, The Pyramid Collection.  The dress is styled in a Victorian/Titanic fashion and I just love it.  I have to hem it up...shorty here!!  But I will take pics when I have it on. 

It is my hope that you all had wonderful Christmas celebrations?!  I sure did!  In spite of the flu!!  Sigh!  The only thing I didn't get to enjoy was the food!!  Really couldn't eat...HA!  'Tis okay!  Lost five pounds!!  Woot!!

Make sure you pop over to Keely's, The UnMom and see what Randomness she has going on.  As well as all the other participants!  It is always a good time!!  

A New Year is coming up...have you thought about any cool resolutions yet?  I sure would like to hear about them.  I am still thinking about mine.  Last year, I was challenged to come up with one word as my resolution for the year.  My word was "TRY"!  And boy did I...but I feel I could have done much better with it.  I wasn't fully committing to it.  Is it cheating to keep the same resolution?  I would like to give it a "try" again.  But I will let you know!  What about you?

Okay...enough rambling randomness from me.  Your turn!!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


ellen abbott said... 1

love the posters. so glad you had a great holiday, even if you were sick.

Stacy Uncorked said... 2

Sorry you were sick (and subsequently John)! Glad you're feeling better. My sister caught a flu bug right before Christmas too - not fun!

LOVE the posters!

Looks like everyone had a wonderful and fun Christmas! :)

No plans for New Year - just a quiet evening at home with Princess Nagger. ;)

RTT: Internet, Snow, Christmas

Unknown said... 3

so much joy ~ it's infectious.

quiet New Years here as hubs and one daughter will be away for a soccer tourny. I'm okay with that.


Keely said... 4

Glad you're feeling better (and lost 5 lbs)! I ignore New Years pretty much every year. I'm also resolving not to make any resolutions ;)

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said... 5

Emma has great taste. We're Steeler fans here too! Those boots are great, but sadly my short legs don't do tall boots.

Brian Miller said... 6

nice. looks like a lot of fun...and way to rock the Steelers gear! sorry you got sick..hope you are doing much better...

Hilary said... 7

Sorry you weren't feeling well but it sure looks like you had a fine time otherwise. Why not make your word "retry" this year? ;)

Kamila said... 8

Woaw! I looveee the boots,.. and hey I got that second poster you had. the Mad hatter... that's cool..

Jenn said... 9

So sorry that you were sick!! Hope you are feeling better! I still haven't seen AiWL... sad I know. But I love the posters... so cool! Looks like you had a fun christmas. i'm still working on my resolutions for next year, but I did finish my 2011 budget today, so that's progress!! ;)

Teresa Kline said... 10

nice boots...wishing you the best in 2011!

enjoy *~*

IT IS ALLY said... 11

Those are great boots! Glad you had a good Christmas.

Also love the Alice in Wonderland posters - my mother said the other day that if I was a character in that universe I would be the Red Queen. Thanks Mum! Haha

Queenie Jeannie said... 12

So sorry to hear you've been sick!! That's really no fun!

Can't wait to see your new dress - sounds gorgeous!!!!

Lori said... 13

Sorry to hear that you and Dr. John were sick but happy that you got to still enjoy Christmas with your loved ones. Looks and sounds like you all had a fun Christmas. Your new years eve plans sound like fun and it will be fun to see a picture of you in your new dress. I pick a word for each year...last year mine was confidence...still pondering what I will choose for 2011...hope you have a blessed, wonderful, joyful and love filled 2011! XX

Cindy said... 14

Hi SueAnn, oh sorry you were not well for the holidays. poor you and Dr. John. looks like you had a wonderful time and the kids well you can tell how happy they were...those boots, yeah loving them. I love your posters and so agree room in an artists home...thats how I always feel. We had a nice quiet Christmas. I feel I have been gone from here.
BTW I love your finished WIP. I wish you all the health and happiness in the new year. I cherish our friendship. hugs have a great new years Eve, feel better. love cindy

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 15

Honey, how can you possibly feel you didn't "TRY" this year? You need to look back over your blog to recall how awesome, generous and powerful you are. And I can't wait to see you in your red New Years dress.

MB Shaw said... 16

omg , we just watched Alice in Wonderland last night! Hubster and I both loved it. There was so much to see, I feel like I want to watch it again.
I am so sorry you have been ailing. Ugh, that sucks.
And Try! Good word. I think you do plenty of that though, you are one amazing lady!!
Hugs darlin' and Happy New Year.
oh, and ps......those boots are kickin'!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 17

Love your loving family photos! Sorry you were sick though

WhisperWood Cottage said... 18

Hope everyone is feeling well today! I can't wait to see the gorgeous dress!! Enjoy your night out! Happiest of new years, SueAnn!


Mimi said... 19

I LOVE the Alice posters and can't wait to see the dress, you must show us pics.

No resolutions for me, just trying a little harder and trying to be a little happier every day :)

I hope you have an amazing 2011!


Debbie said... 20

So sorry to hear you were sick at Christmas but by the photos, it certainly looks like everyone had a great time.
Wishing you all the best in 2011.

Velvet Over Steel said... 21

Very sorry to hear you both were sick during Christmas, but so glad you made it through!! Your family is awesome!!!

Loved that movie & your posters are Amazing!! Can't wait to see you in your dress, SueAnn!! I stay close to home too, for the very same reason!!

Have a wonderful & SAFE New Years!!
Love & Hugs,

SandyCarlson said... 22

Your Christmas photos are a delight!