
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Randon Tuesday....On the Road again!!

Yep!  It's me!  On the road again to Las Cruces!!  It is fast becoming our home away from home.  Beautiful, isn't it?  Dr. John had another meeting at the university so we are at the Hilton Garden Inn.  This time they surprised us!  They gave us a suite!!!!  So beautiful!  A living room, kitchenette and bedroom.  Wowzers!  In the living room is a TV and there is one in the bedroom too!  High living, I'm telling ya!!!  Ha!!

I spent the day yesterday rooting a baby head!  You know...putting hair into a doll baby head!  Ha!  I still have some trimming to do as well as detail painting but here she is...

Her face looks a little red...but that is the flash.  It is dark here in the living room at 4AM!  Ha!!  So the flash went off.  Sorry!!  Isn't she cute though!  This is my first open mouth one and I love her.

Watched the big game last night....Patriots creamed the Jets!  Darn it!  I really don't root for either team.  But when faced with a choice I will always choose the team playing against the Patriots (the cheaters)!!!  Ha!!  Sorry game though!  I should have watched a good movie.  I thought for sure Sanchez would rise up to the occasion but it just wasn't to be.....!!!!

Dr. John ruined his Christmas gift!  I was going to frame some pics that he and I took of the pumpkin and the peach.  Remember those??  On the white, white bench?  Anyway, I ordered some canvas ink jet paper to print them on.  Then I am mounting them on a canvas!  Thought it would look cool!  But he kept nagging to me about doing these pictures and oh  please I want these pictures and aren't you going to do these pictures...etc., etc., etc.!!!  I finally said that I was trying to surprise him but forget it now!!!  I was totally irritated!!  Should I give him a break???  Guess I will and do them anyway...,but I need to make him suffer a bit!!  Ha!

Meet Lisa and Cassie (my oldest granddaughters) at the Olive Garden for lunch last week.  We had a blast.  School is almost out for them and they are getting excited about Christmas break.  Cassie misses being home.  Which surprises me because she was the most independent!!  But she is definitely home sick.  I enjoy that she is in town (Lisa is still in Gallup and she is taking online courses).  Here the two beauties are...

Cassie on left...then Lisa

Got Lee Jr. a bike for Christmas!  A 24" Mongoose!!  Ha!  Whatever the heck that is!  Came in a big box!!  Boy oh boy!  Fun times for Dr. John and Lee Sr on Christmas eve!!!!  Putting that sucker together!  I will take pics of their struggle!!

Last night for dinner, I had a grilled chicken breast on fresh Cibatta bread.  Oh my!  With a spicy ranch dressing.  So good!!  Dr. John had dinner with the professors.  So I had dinner and my game and the baby head!!  Don't you just pity me!!??

Went down to the exercise room yesterday morning and walked/ran on the treadmill.  Boy was that a beautiful experience!  That treadmill was a dream!  Solid, no wobbles!  Quiet!  TV right in front..built in!!!!  Incline was fantastic and made no rubbing noises!  It was deeluxe!!!  Got a great work out on it then went to breakfast!

The one I used was even more deluxe than this one!!!  Bigger!!!  This one costs $2500.00!!  Which surprises me...I figured more!!

One the way home today, we are stopping in Soccoro to visit Dr. John's company office there.  They has an old market square that we are going to visit too.  I will take pics!  I am looking forward to this.  I love shopping at these old adobe I hope it is fabulous!!

I will close with another sunrise pic...

Don't forget to stop over The UnMom and visit with Keely.  I am sure she has total randomness for you as well as others!!

Have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you


Tabor said... 1

You do keep busy even as the holidays approach. Do you have a wide or extra large printer? Or are you printing 8-11?

Kimber Leszczuk. said... 2

Great post! I came here from the link at the Un-Mom's page.

Anonymous said... 3

I used to feel that way about the Patriots too but after having so many of their players on my Fantasy team, I started to warm to them. I still dislike Tom Brady with a passion but I can't claim to hate the Pats.

Stacy Uncorked said... 4

I thought I was busy - you've got me beat!

Your baby doll and your granddaughters are adorable!

Your hubby tends to ruin his surprises like my hubby does - make him suffer just for a little bit. ;)

RTT: Gifts, Tweeting, Autocorrect, Birthday

Joanie said... 5

Your babies are so adorable!

ellen abbott said... 6

It still amazes me that you add the hair and eye lashes!

Lori said... 7

You are one busy lady! I could just picture you eating that delicious sandwich, watching football and working on your baby's...sounds kinda fun to me. Hope you have a wonderful day of shopping and safe travels nice you get to see those beautiful granddaughters of yours! XX

Kristina P. said... 8

You are always on the go!

I got the print I won in the mail, yesterday. I love it!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said... 9

The baby looks so real. Great details.

Coming by from Un-Mom.

Liz Mays said... 10

You are so talented with your baby doll!!! Expensive treadmills make a WORLD of difference!

Brian Miller said... 11

ok, i am scared of the the baby doll looks cool...cant wait to see what it looks like in the after...i have yet to ruin any of my gifts yet but there is still time...smiles.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 12

I think you could make an entire blog of just your sunrise pictures. :) Beautiful!

Elizabeth Grimes said... 13

Sounds like a busy, but great time. The doll looks totally amazing!

Indrani said... 14

Your baby dolls are wonderful creations. They never cease to amaze me.
Good to be busy always. :)

Anonymous said... 15

Hi SueAnn! It's been awhile since I've made my rounds, but I'm catching up! Always love seeing your landscape live in such a beautiful area!

Tanya said... 16

HI SueAnn! I talked to Dharma yesterday and she mentioned you donated to her cause! THANK YOU SO MUCH! That's so wonderful! Hope all is well over there!

Dianne said... 17

thank you for visiting my Captain Jack post :)

I love the word 'Wowzers', you made me laugh

your granddaughters are beautiful

Artsnark said... 18

great random today - hope your travels are wonderful! The granddaughters are lovely (but I have to admit the baby-head kind of freaks me out a bit) I bet your canvas print is wonderful!

beth said... 19

i love the open mouth baby too.....she is so life like it's just scary.....

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 20

Living the lifestyle of the Rich and Famous! your pics. You have a talent with baby dolls.

Anonymous said... 21

Looks like you had a great time.. baby is so cute.. I bet the eyelashes were the most difficult.
hugs, Darlene

Cindy said... 22

Lucky you, sounds like fun, glad you got to walk on the treadmill. I think Santa is getting me a new one for xmas. I hope so. Would love to shop in all those neat little stores. thanks for all your comments SueAnn.
hugs to you enjoy.

Velvet Over Steel said... 23

Your granddaughters are Beautiful! So glad you had a nice visit with them!

That 'machine' would be a Dream to me too!! & I also would have thought it cost a LOT more than that... although, that price is still not in my plans, esp. since I have a dog to walk. :-) She would not be happy if I walk 'inside'! lol

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing your trips with us!! So nice to travel with you!! :-)

Have a Wonderful weekend!!

Unknown said... 24

I've missed your space...

and this was a perfect random catch up.

our treadmill died this week.. ack.

Tumble Fish Studio said... 25

You are so wonderful to visit others while you are on the road! Wow! Thank you so much for the visit and kind words.

Sounds like you are having all kinds of fun! I loved seeing all of the pictures. I want that treadmill! And I am so jealous of the adobe market shopping. You are one lucky lady!

Hope you have a lovely couple of more weeks before the holidays!

Hilary said... 26

Busy lady! I just smiled and nodded through the fact that you're eating dinner alone with a baby head. Who'd have figured that could possibly make sense? ;)

SandyCarlson said... 27

That baby doll is really beautiful. I love when you share all the fun in your life. You made my evening!

Jill said... 28

Oh WOW! what a treadmill!
And I hate when a surprise gets spoilt!

Love the sunrise piccies!