
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Random Tuesday....Eleven days??? OMG!!!

It is next weekend!!!  Christmas!!!  Wow! Has time flown by!  I was going to show you pics of my Christmas tree...but the server rejected them.  Seems they think I don't have permission to use these pictures.  Sheesh!!  My granddaughter, Cassie, came over and we did the tree.  Had a blast and the tree turned out beautifully.  I will retake some pics and try again next week.  What a bummer!!

Can't stop my online URL's!!!  Ha!!  I win!!


The sunrise yesterday morning was spectacular!!  Dr. John and I watched in amazement as the colors turned so dramatically!!   Here are some pictures....well!!!  Now I can't show those either!  This has been rejected!
My Random post is turning out suckie for sure!!!

Ha!  Two can play at this game.  I saved the pictures on my online storage and posted my URL's.  Ha!  Works now!!

Well, now that I fixed that dilemma...I am pooped!  Ha!  Let's see...what else has happened.  Ah yes...we went out to dinner at Papeudeux's in Albuquerque and it was fabulous!  Dr. John, Paul and Cheri got the fried oysters and they said they were the best they ever had!  I had the shrimp and it was terrific.  Also sampled some from their dessert menu.  Bread pudding was to die for!!  Thin sliced apples, raisins and walnuts.  Oh my!!  Bliss!!!  Sorry!!  Didn't take pics this evening!

Oh!  Exciting news!!  I sold another big painting!!  Woot!!  I called Bob (the Lawyer who purchased the large piece from me earlier this year) and told him the prototype was still available.  I wondered if he was interested.  He called later in the week and said yes!! 

Blogger is getting on my last nerve!!!  Grrrrr!!!! are a couple of pics of the piece. I am still working on this one and I will show finished pics when I have completed the additions!!  Ha!

The weather here has been amazing!!  Blue skies and sunny...temps. ranging from 20 degrees F. in the morning to 60's during the day!  Wowzers!!  Sorry to those who are getting hammered by the snow and ice.  That really sucks.  They showed pics of the Cleveland, Ohio area and it brought back old memories...or should I say nightmares.  We used to live in Willoughby, Ohio which is a suburb of Cleveland and right on Lake Erie.  We always got the Lake effect snows.  They were terrifying to say the least.  Many feet of snow would dump on us during the winter season.  They used front end loaders to remove the snow into dump truck and take it out on the lake and dump it!!  Seriously!  Bad, bad snows!!  Don't miss that at all!!  Not at all!!!

Back into my routine of walking again!!  Took long enough.  It is so cold in the mornings, I only walk about 2.5 miles now.  The wind cuts right through you!  I know...why don't I walk later in the day?  I just get so busy during the day that I don't have time.  And I like to get it over early morning it is! 

If we do get snow...I purchased snow shoes for myself and Cheri (for her birthday) so we could still walk during the day!  Ha!  If that happens, I will have to take a short video of us trying to maneuver over the snow.  Ought to be a scream!!

Today is girls day out!  First stop, get Cassie and then go to lunch!  Then off to get our nails and toes done.  This time I will take my camera and get some shots!!  Cheri will join us at the nail salon!  I love girl's day out.  So relaxing!!  Nice to be pampered.

Enough randomness from me!!  How about you?  Stop over at The UnMom and visit Keely and post your link to your own random thoughts.  And go see what others' are jabbering about.  Always interesting for sure!!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Unknown said... 1

I love your random posts.

and I'm thinking of getting snowshoes too...

congrats on the art sale.

Tabor said... 2

Random and nice photos. It does appear that Blogger has a maximum level of pixels it will post and maybe you have reached that and need to plug in URLs from other sites.

Joanie said... 3

Your tree looks great! Want to come here and help me with mine?

Anonymous said... 4

Those are great photos!

Lori said... 5

Great fun you and your granddaughter had decorating the tree. What wonderful memories you are making with her. What a wonderful grandma you are in having girls day out with her. I am absolutely positive that she looks forward to it as much as you do. I would love to get some snow shoes...since all this snow is not going anywhere for a long time may as well enjoy it.

Have a wonderfully fun girls day out! XX

ellen abbott said... 6

so many people posting about snow and the cold I think my standard comment for the winter is going to be...brrrrr.

congrats on the new big piece.

Bossy Betty said... 7

Great to catch up with you and your life! Those sunrise pictures are wonderful!!

Hilary said... 8

Congrats on your sale! And fine photos as always despite Blogger being difficult.

Kristina P. said... 9

I love the crown on your tree. And we've been having an unusually warm winter. I am loving it!

Brian Miller said... 10

the crown is a very cool tree cool on the art sale as well...really like it...have fun on girls day out...

Riki Schumacher said... 11

Hi SueAnn, so great to have a grand daughter close enough to play with! Lucky you, great to hear what you have been up to. And congrats on selling another big painting!! That is way cool. Have a wonderful Christmas season, take care. Riki

The Crazy Coxes said... 12

Your pictures are beautiful. i'm glad you finally got them to post! I wish you would have stopped by and picked me up to get my nail done!!!!
Happy Tuesday!

Kim Mailhot said... 13

gorgeous tree
beautiful skies
good luck with the snow shoes ! They can be fun !
Enjoy your ladies day !

Unknown said... 14

I do all of my posts through Windows Live Writer. It is sooo much easier. And it's free. I never could get Blogger to load pics. the right way.
I can't believe Christmas is so close either!

Velvet Over Steel said... 15

I love your random post too!!

Your granddaughter is beautiful!! Tree is very pretty and the pictures... breathtaking!!! :-)

10 nights from Christmas eve.. wow, it's going to fly by!! I better get to baking! :-)


Natasha said... 16

I can't decide if the tree is prettier or your granddaughter. I think gd wins out.

And you are a smart one to have beaten blogger- must remember that for whne it plays up with me.

Carole said... 17

the tree looks awesome and you know I love the crown. Congrats on the new commissioned piece.
Blogger was driving me crazy so I started using live writer.....not that I've posted that much lately but it's much easier.


Indrani said... 18

Congrats on your sale and what a beautiful start for the day.
Lovely shots.

Monica said... 19

Dear Sue Ann,
what beautiful tree!!!!! And CONGRATS on your sale. Your work is gorgeous!

said... 20

I love your tree topper!! And your sunrise pix :o)

SandyCarlson said... 21

Your posts are always fun, delightful. Your tree is great!

Joanna Jenkins said... 22

The crown on the top of your Christmas tree is perfect!!! I haven't seen that before but it lends a magical feel to the tree. You're so creative.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas! xo jj

SandyCarlson said... 23

I love your decorations.