
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Random Tuesday....Let it snow!!!

Well another Random Tuesday and only four days until Christmas!!!!  Wowzers!!   FOUR DAYS!!!  To those of you running around trying to get everything done...sit down...take a deep breath...and down a Mojito!!  You will feel much better!

Even though snow is yucky...I did get some pretty photos of it!

The red one is the side of our hot tub!!  Needless to say, I didn't go in this day!  Ha!  We ended up with 21 inches of snow on Wednesday.  And our plow man didn't show up until Saturday around 10PM!!  Ack!
This was after my son, who was visiting, got stuck in the driveway for about 30 minutes!!  Took some doing to get him out.  Whew!  We did though!  Guess I am going to need a new plow guy!  Three days is entirely too long to wait up here.  Dr. John needs to get into town everyday!  Sigh!

There were some benefits though...a beautiful sunrise for instance..

My son and his wife and Cassie (my UNM student granddaughter) where here Friday night, all day Saturday and half of Sunday.  Lee (son) installed the rest of my outdoor lights so that I match all the way around the house now.  So Cool!!!!!  Woot!  Woot!!  They went into town on Saturday and shopped....we met them at the Olive Garden for dinner around 5 PM.  Great dinner and wonderful company!  We had a blast.
Until we got home and Lee got stuck trying to get up the driveway!!  Ack!!

The prototype piece is being delivered on Wed.  We are not sure yet if it is going into the lawyers office (Bob) or the Counselor's office (Christine)!  They will decide when they see it.   I will take pics when it gets installed so you can see it in it's new space.  This means that I have one more large piece to work on since they both want one for their offices.  So that is cool!!  I will keep you posted.

Thursday we are going to see the play A Christmas Tale at Popejoy Hall near campus in Albuquerque.  Looking forward to that.  I know it is a well worn story but to see it in person with live action is always a treat!!  Brings such depth to the characters and the story!  Wish I could take pics of the performance for you but that is a big no-no!  Sorry!!

With the snow and the weather the way it has been over the last couple of weeks, I have been unable to walk.  So I have been searching for a good exercise DVD or tape to use in lieu of.  Any suggestions?  A good 20 or 30 minute one to start would be good.  I thought I would do that Zumba class but that never worked out.  The times just didn't work with my schedule.  Sigh!!  Bummer!!  So I have been walking when I can.  Oh!  I tried the snowshoes...OMG!!!  Thought I was going to die!  I fell twice and got tangled more times than I care to mention.  Ha!  I ended up walking in my boots to get my hair done.  About a 10 minute walk one way.  I just couldn't get the snowshoes to work.  I need much more practice!!

So, my house is decorated...well as much as I am going to do anyway...and all my shopping is done!  I have everything in gifts bags and only one present is back ordered.   Which is a bummer because it is one of Cassie's.  I even finished Dr. John's gift...I...I just need to frame it and wrap it.  This is the one where he ruined the surprise!!  Ha!   All that is left to do is the food shopping for the big day.  Dr. John got a honey baked ham from the company which is cool.  But the kids still want turkey too.  So I am going to get a 15 pounder.  That should do it.  Hopefully we can get all of the shopping done at Costco.  That would be cheaper and so much easier.

I get to play Mrs. Claus this week.  Delivering presents to various people.  Our good friends, Paul and Cheri; our house cleaner, Alice and my nail tech, Jessica!!  So this will be fun.  And then we travel to Gallup to spend a few days with all of them.  Where we will open presents, sing Christmas carols, eat, watch movies, eat and then eat some more.  Urp!!!!  Ha!

Well, this is enough Randomness from me!  Don't forget to journey over to The UnMom and visit with Keely.  Who knows what she is up too.  Maybe even some Zombie killing.  You just never know with her.  And visit with all the other Randomnizers...that makes this fun!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 1

We may have snow in north Georgia for Christmas! Exciting, but only if my out-of-town kids get here first!
I use the Firm workout tapes (when I workout lol)and they are awesome!

Brian Miller said... 2

i think i would have fired the hot tub up...smiles. it is cool how the snow clings to it...and so cool on the art project...

Kim Mailhot said... 3

Happy happy holidays, Busy One ! Enjoy the sweet and joyfilled moments !

Stacy Uncorked said... 4

Here I thought I was busy - you've got me beat! :) And whoa - I didn't realize you'd gotten so much snow! We have a 50% chance of snow on Christmas Day - Princess Nagger's keeping her fingers crossed! ;)

Have fun playing Mrs. Claus delivering gifts - I'll be doing some of that tomorrow, too! ;)

RTT: Homework Blues and Annoying Neighbors

Tabor said... 5

That photo of the hot tub is beautiful. Such a hot red against the white snow. In the past I have order videos/dvds from and they will help you select when you talk to them on the phone.

Katherine said... 6

Stopping by from RTT. That's a lot of snow. I don't know that I could handle it!

pinkglitterfae said... 7

Wow you are a busy lady! sorry about all the snow creating havoc though, could you send it my way please? we only have a couple of inches on the ground and that's just not enough, lol!
Can't help you with the exercise dvds, as I don't do them either, but if you can walk in the snow, it really is a good workout!

Have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said... 8

WAH. That just reminds me that I'm flying to Syracuse NY Sunday. They had a massive storm and have EIGHT FEET of snow on the ground and sub-zero temps. I'm actually nervous.

NANCY LEFKO said... 9

Merry Christmas to you and yours, SueAnn :)

auntiegwen said... 10

Now that's what I call snow!!

Hope you're all warm and settled

Happy Christmas

SandyCarlson said... 11

My daughter asked that you split your snow with us in Connecticut! Wonderful images.